¤Exams over yay.
¤No, really, YAY.
¤Working in deli. Now very afraid of ham.
¤No, really, AFRAID OF HAM.
¤A certain underworld hitman just bought me both volumes of Kill Bill. Legal DVDs, ooh, novelty value. (What, I can't help being Malaysian.)
¤No, really, MALAYSIAN.
¤Wait, what?
¤I've done nothing but stack shelves and vacuum at Sanity. 'Tis boring. Even the deli is more interesting right now.
¤However, I had what basically amounted to a three-hour lesson on lock picking and disassembly on Thursday afternoon.
¤Also, drinking vodka shots at a casino bar, dressed like a not-very-corporate-pretending-to-be-corporate person whilst poking at various items of electronic gadgetry and dodging suspicious looks from the counterhands is more than Briefcase-Gamey enough to interest me.
¤List of Stuff to Get, as it stands:
-soldering iron
-black pants that actually fit
-shoes to wear to graduation
-another SD card for mp3-player-chan
-That Prodigy album I'm still trying to get (*pokepoke*)
-kung fu slippers
-books with book vouchers
-information about laptops
Extremely tasty urban-decay type photo by
eutrapelia. Click.
¤Chummers, let us do something sometime. Except not when I'm working, which is ALL THE TIME atm. Fnord.