(no subject)

May 31, 2010 14:53

this weekend has been surprisingly excellent, even though i had to get up at 4:30 on saturday so we could get an 8:30 train from hartford to new york.

new york was even more excellent than usual. the weather was gorgeous; i got to hang out with charlie (we went to magnolia bakery and got zabayone-flavored ice cream at a place where his friend works, om nom nom); we stayed in a really nice hotel and andy, sam, kira, and i had a giant two-room suite to ourselves; we saw american idiot which was at least entertaining if somewhat ridiculous; i remembered how much i love the subway; we had dinner at a really delicious italian place and brunch at a really delicious pie place. andy and i were hoping we would get to meet up with charles, tommy, and hal, but although that did not happen, it was a fabulous trip overall.

even the ride back from hartford was great - we got dinner at rein's deli and played an ipod game wherein each person would play a song from the first album they had that started with a certain letter of the alphabet. we were all the way to V (vertigo, from jump, little children, one of mine) when we discovered that susan's Z album was the soundtrack from zulu, and we convinced her to put the main theme on even though we were only a couple of minutes away from home, not realizing that the track was probably shorter than the time it would take us to get back, but through amazing and probably dangerous feats of driving, gregg managed to get the mail AND get us up the driveway before it ended. in case you have never heard the theme from zulu:

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now it's memorial day and dad's birthday, and we are going canoeing or to bill's house to eat wings, or possibly even both. yay.
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