December roundup, plus one new essay

Feb 01, 2014 16:41

a) New essay on my tumblr Please read the disclaimer at the beginning, since it's a particularly bitter one.

b) December fic round-up, on February 1st (shrugs)

Title: Unforseen Disadvantages
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/Sally Donovan (Dom!Sally/sub!Sherlock)
Rating: PG-13
Length: 942 words
Warnings: angst, bondage, whipping
Summary: Sherlock and Sally have an arrangement. It's supposed to be simple.

Title: Melting
Pairing: John Watson/Mycroft Holmes
Rating: NC-17
Length: 997 words
Warnings: This is part of "The Most Dangerous Man" verse, which features John and Mycroft in a consensual Master/slave relationship (Dom!Mycroft/sub!John)

sherlock bbc, john/mycroft, sherlock/sally, nonfic

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