Yesterday I took a few hours' sick leave so I could get a bit more work done at home on packing/purging. I didn't feel particularly well - I'm almost certain to get a cold again once I have time to allow myself to collapse a little - but I think mostly it was best to just have a few extra hours' work. And I did a good amount! Today is one week exactly before the move. Holy crap.
let's see what
Rob has to say:
Pisces Horoscope for week of November 3, 2016
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
In her book, A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman reports on the eccentric methods that professional writers have used to galvanize their creative process. Poet Amy Lowell relaxed into her work day by puffing on Manila cigars. Novelist Colette plucked fleas from her cat. T. S. Eliot's poetry thrived when he had a head cold. Novelist George Sand liked to jump out of bed after making love and immediately begin writing. Novelist William Gass, who is still among the living, wanders around outside taking photos of "rusty, derelict, overlooked, downtrodden" places. As for D. H. Lawrence: climbing mulberry trees naked energized his genius. What about you, Pisces? Now is an excellent time to draw intensely on your reliable sources of inspiration-- as well as to seek new ones.