
Oct 31, 2016 12:14

Another quick one: Friday night to Saturday, actually got to sleep in! Like, not get up to an alarm! It was amazing!

Saturday I did two loads of laundry, then I showered and got to work. Moved a small bookshelf's worth of books to my car for donation, moved bookshelf itself to dumpster. (Put a few handfuls of selected books on it too, since I knew neighbors would pick over it...) Got all the stuff (not much) out of the downstairs storage area. After a few more "purge" dumpster trips it was like 4:30 and I needed to spend a little time on 2nd-job stuff. Then I made dinner, which was dumb, because I could have just eaten at Telf's Halloween party. But instead I concentrated on dessert there. It was nice to hang out and see folks, even if my costume was just my ratty old angel wings again. No time for costuming when you move ten days after Halloween!

Home, with a stop off at Target on the way (more 2nd job stuff), then sleep. Up on Sunday and OFF TO THE RACES. Stops at the book-donation bin in my old village center in Columbia, then Party City, then Wegmans, all for party supplies. The church Halloween party was that evening, and that is part of my job! I hauled everything into the interfaith center in time to attend the second service. Then I went to lunch, then came back for hours of Haunted House and Party prep. Thanks to many volunteers it all went well! Notes for next year: to make it go more smoothly, more volunteers! =D (I have plenty of notes for the future, boy howdy.) I was home by about 9 p.m., and I sat to relax and do some email stuff, and then I fed the cats and went the heck to bed. This week: purge and pack!!

work, move, weekend, church

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