First week outta school and already I'm all disorganized again! I forgot yesterday was
Brezsny day!
Pisces Horoscope for week of July 16, 2015
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Australian actress Rebel Wilson has appeared in several successful movies, including Bridesmaids, Bachelorette, and Pitch Perfect. But she didn't start out to be a film star. Mathematics was her main interest. Then, while serving as a youth ambassador in South Africa at age 18, she contracted malaria. At the height of her sickness, she had hallucinatory visions that she would one day be "a really good actress who also won an Oscar." The visions were so vivid that she decided to shift her career path. I foresee the possibility that you will soon experience a version of her epiphany. During a phase when you're feeling less than spectacular, you may get a glimpse of an intriguing future possibility.
Oh! Well, that's nice. It, um, doesn't have to be malaria or any other particular disease though does it?!