I confess that I forgot it was Wednesday for a while there.

Dec 23, 2009 12:29

And therefore I forgot that it was also Breszny day:

Pisces Horoscope for week of December 24, 2009

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
The pop star Pink is a successful singer. Not only does she have a great voice; she has also sold 32 million records and won two Grammies. Recently she added what I think is an extraneous element to her live performances: a trapeze act. At the MTV Video Music Awards last September, she delivered her song "Sober" while swinging through the air and hanging upside down 60 feet off the ground. I was perplexed as I watched her, thinking to myself, "Doesn't she have confidence that her song and her singing can stand alone?" In 2010, Pisces, I urge you not to follow her lead. There's no need for you to go way overboard as you try too hard to give too much. Just sing your songs.
No trapeze, right. Got it.

I had some bizarre imagery going on as I don't know Pink's song "Sober," so I was thinking of Tool's song "Sober." I bet they are not similar.
I'm technically at the office today but my brain is elsewhere. Doing what I gotta do, then I took tomorrow off. 4-day weekend, hooray!


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