Wednesday, AND - Movies!

Nov 14, 2007 10:59

First things first, Rob:

Pisces Horoscope for week of November 15, 2007

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
If you chew coca leaves, you get a mild buzz, comparable to coffee, because your body metabolizes only tiny amounts of the plant's alkaloids. But in cocaine, which is made from processed coca leaves, those same alkaloids are highly concentrated. Snorting or smoking the stuff gives your bloodstream a potent blast. Bolivia's president Evo Morales wants the world to know the difference between the two. "The coca leaf is not cocaine," he says. He pledges to completely legalize coca in his country, citing its traditional uses as a food and medicine predating the European invasion. Is there a comparable scenario in your life, Pisces? Something that's bad for you when done to excess, but good for you in its understated natural state? It's a favorable time to commit yourself to its healthy use.
What about the understated natural state of...Reese's Peanut Butter cups?
Wait, no.
Movies! There's some coming out I want to see!

(1) The Mist. I have loved this story since I first read it, when I was perhaps 14 years old. Love love love. Dear Frank Darabont: Please don't screw this up. Love, me. I aim to see this on the night it comes out, a week from today! There aren't showtimes posted yet, but watch this space.

(2) No Country for Old Men. The latest from the Coen brothers. Starting at the Old Greenbelt theater next Wednesday. Might see it on Friday afternoon since I plan not to do even a little bit of shopping.

Then there are Beowulf and The Golden Compass, which I sort of want to see despite myself. And since seeing the ad for the remake of I Am Legend, I'm coming around on that too. But I will definitely be seeing the first two movies I listed, so think about joining me!
Guitar lesson was good last night. Seasonally, I've picked up Feliz Navidad, which is kind of fun. My instructor had to change my lesson for next week, to Monday at 5:30 p.m. I'll just go right after work.
It's official: trapping-neutering-releasing two more cats this weekend, starting 7 a.m. Saturday.
And finally,
HEE! It was the extra-special caring-and-sharing version of the documentary at the end that really got me. I kind of love what they did with Michael Michele, and as much as I like her I'm kind of glad there are still two fellowship slots to go to newbies. Good makeup job with the patient, too. Overall, I liked it, and there needed to be more Wilson and less Cameron nattering at the documentary crew about how she "loved" working with Doctor House. Please don't drag that tired chestnut up again! Cameron's been so much more interesting since she got over House!

breszny, tv, guitar, strays, house, movies

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