Confessions of a University of Guelph drama queen (thanks for the inspiration Christina)

Dec 09, 2004 21:35

I could be all cliche and start this entry by saying "Long time, no see livejournal..." but that would be a lie. I still read my friends page on a regular basis, but for some reason I just haven't been able to bring myself to update recently. But old habits die hard, so here I am sitting in front of that familiar "update journal" screen once again, trying to decide how to parcel up my life over the past month or so into coherent sentences and succient paragraphs.

I guess if I had to sum it all up into one word (although when do you really ever have to do that?!) dramatic would be it. Last night a friend made the observation that our lives could easily be turned into a popular sitcom, and I'm starting to agree. But as much as I sometimes lament my magnetic attraction to complicated boys and dramatic relationships, I'm not sure if I would want it any other way. Besides how many girls can say they slapped and then kissed a boy in the same night?! (I like to think I'm a role model to women everywhere). I keep telling myself that regardless of how things turn out with this one, at least he made for a good story. Sometimes I have thoughts about becoming a nun (or a lesbian) but those never last long.

Academically, it's been a productive semester. I've learnt that I detest Canadian Government, but adore International Relations. Now I'm anxiously awaiting State in Comparative Perspective next semester and all those juicy looking third year international politics courses. It's so satisfying to know that I will never have to sit through another excrutiating lecture about why Canada displays weak bicameralism again. I think I could have worked harder this semester, and procrastinated less. The problem is that no matter how many times I say that,in the end I somehow still manage to do well on those last minute essays and crammed for exams and never learn my lesson. I'm beginning to think I'm too smart for my own good, and people probably secretly hate me for it.

I'm starting to really look forward to being back in Ottawa in six days. I'm so ready to press pause and just put my Guelph life on hold for a few weeks. It will be blissful to just kick back, relax and just get some distance from all the things (and people) that are on my mind right now. I know I haven't been the greatest about keeping in touch with some people this semester, but I really would like to catch up with Ottawa people over the break. Comment or give me a call if you're up for it...

What else to say, tonight was the third night of (c)hanuk(k)ah and I've decided that I'm going to get my parents a picture of me with Santa as a present. My dad will laugh. My mom might disown me.

( Exit the sniffling, red nosed girl in desperate need of sleep )
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