Jul 08, 2010 22:14
Day 1: Your favourite book : The Annex
Day 2: Your favourite film : The Two Towers
Day 3: Your most favourite male character : Aragorn (what else? ^_-)
Day 4: Your least favourite male character : Haldir
Day 5: The Fellowship of the Ring or The Nazgûl? : The Nazgûl (ok it could be seem strange but I'd had always pity for the kings of men who loose even theyr souls...)
Day 6: Your most favourite female character: Eowyn : she has heart and soul and iron will!
Day 7: Your least favourite female character: Arwen: and not because she took Aragorn (^_-) ... only becuase she's the classical figure of woman: she stay at home and waits.....
Day 8: Which one of the races of the Middle Earth do you think you resemble most?* : I hope the elfs.. but The Hobbit I think.. ^__-
Day 9: Is there anything that you would have changed in the films (e.g.. added or dropped)?: Oh yes! I missed Tom Bombadil and the Barrows_downs, and the Houses of Healing and the meeting between Faramir and Eowyn... and the poems ...
Day 10: Do you think that reading The Hobbit will help understanding the trilogy? YES
Day 11: Your least favourite book. It doesn't exist: I love every word written by R.R.Tolkien about Middle Earth
Day 12: Your least favourite film. as the previous It doesn't exist!
Day 13: Do you prefer the books or the films? I love them in different ways: I love the books and I don't agree with PJ for some of his chooses, but the film are his idea of the books and I respect it, and love it!
Day 14: Can you speak Elvish language? Yes
Day 15: If you were about to go and live anywhere in The Middle-Earth, where would you live? Probably in Minas Tirith, wiht holidays in Rivendell and Lothlorien .. ^__-
Day 16: Your favourite quote from the books. "Yet whatever is still to do, I hope to have a part in it, for the honour of the folk of the Lonely Mountain.' 'And I for the folk of the Great Wood,' said Legolas, 'and for the love of the Lord of the White Tree.'
Day 17: Your favourite quote from the films. If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword ^/////^
Day 18: Your favourite ship (i.e. romantic relationship, from canon or/and fan-fiction.) Eowyn / Faramir
Day 19: Was there any point(s) where you did think that Frodo would not be able to complete his task of destroying The Ring? Yes, when he was captive in Minas Morgul...
Day 20: Do you own any LOTR merchandise?
Day 21: Have you participated in LOTR themed role plays or meet ups?
Day 22: If you were able to be any character you want, who would you be and why?
Day 23: Have you got any LOTR related tattoos on you? What do you think about LOTR tattoos in general?
Day 24: Your most favourite battle.
Day 25: Your least favourite battle.
Day 26: First time reading/seeing The Fellowship of the Ring, what did you think about their decision to go through Moria (good or bad decision)?
Day 27: What do you think about Sméagol/Gollum?
Day 28: Which side you are on, Sauron’s or Gandalf’s?
Day 29: If you had a chance to meet one of the members of the film cast, who would you like to meet?
Day 30: How much does the trilogy mean to you and has it changed your life somehow?