Jul 06, 2010 20:51
Day 1: Your favourite book : The Annex
Day 2: Your favourite film : The Two Towers
Day 3: Your most favourite male character : Aragorn (what else? ^_-)
Day 4: Your least favourite male character : Haldir
Day 5: The Fellowship of the Ring or The Nazgûl? : The Nazgûl (ok it could be seem strange but I'd had always pity for the kings of men who loose even theyr souls...)
Day 6: Your most favourite female character: Eowyn : she has heart and soul and iron will!
Day 7: Your least favourite female character: Arwen: and not because she took Aragorn (^_-) ... only becuase she's the classical figure of woman: she stay at home and waits.....
Day 8: Which one of the races of the Middle Earth do you think you resemble most?* : I hope the elfs.. but The Hobbit I think.. ^__-
Day 9: Is there anything that you would have changed in the films (e.g.. added or dropped)?: Oh yes! I missed Tom Bombadil and the Barrows_downs, and the Houses of Healing and the meeting between Faramir and Eowyn... and the poems ...
Day 10: Do you think that reading The Hobbit will help understanding the trilogy? YES
Day 11: Your least favourite book. It doesn't exist: I love every word written by R.R.Tolkien about Middle Earth
Day 12: Your least favourite film. as the previous It doesn't exist!
Day 13: Do you prefer the books or the films? I love them in different ways: I love the books and I don't agree with PJ for some of his chooses, but the film are his idea of the books and I respect it, and love it!
Day 14: Can you speak Elvish language? Yes
Day 15: If you were about to go and live anywhere in The Middle-Earth, where would you live? Probably in Minas Tirith, wiht holidays in Rivendell and Lothlorien .. ^__-
Day 16: Your favourite quote from the books. "Yet whatever is still to do, I hope to have a part in it, for the honour of the folk of the Lonely Mountain.' 'And I for the folk of the Great Wood,' said Legolas, 'and for the love of the Lord of the White Tree.'
Day 17: Your favourite quote from the films. If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword ^/////^
Day 18: Your favourite ship (i.e. romantic relationship, from canon or/and fan-fiction.) Eowyn / Faramir
Day 19: Was there any point(s) where you did think that Frodo would not be able to complete his task of destroying The Ring?
Day 20: Do you own any LOTR merchandise?
Day 21: Have you participated in LOTR themed role plays or meet ups?
Day 22: If you were able to be any character you want, who would you be and why?
Day 23: Have you got any LOTR related tattoos on you? What do you think about LOTR tattoos in general?
Day 24: Your most favourite battle.
Day 25: Your least favourite battle.
Day 26: First time reading/seeing The Fellowship of the Ring, what did you think about their decision to go through Moria (good or bad decision)?
Day 27: What do you think about Sméagol/Gollum?
Day 28: Which side you are on, Sauron’s or Gandalf’s?
Day 29: If you had a chance to meet one of the members of the film cast, who would you like to meet?
Day 30: How much does the trilogy mean to you and has it changed your life somehow?