We went to http://clipnclimbcambridge.co.uk/. As a quick look at the website will make clear this isn't a traditional climbing wall - instead of the usual rock-like holds there is a broad variety of (mostly plastic) constructions. The gallery on the website gives some idea and a lot
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Viking ship museum at Roskilde (about 20m on the train from Copenhagen). Ancient boats rescued from the bottom of a fjord, an opportunity to chop things, and rowing a reconstructed boat. http://www.vikingeskibsmuseet.dk/en/
Wandering around Kastellet in the sun
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Either one of you lot has changed job and (more alarmingly) accent recently, or on the way home this evening I had a brief but friendly conversation with your doppelganger. Who is probably even more confused than I am, but (in retrospect) did an impressive job of hiding it...