GENDER SURVEY (please participate!)

May 25, 2007 15:35

Hey guys, I'm doing a survey to include in a huge research paper I'm writing on male and female sexism and general gender roles. Just email this to me at The more people, the better! Thanks everyone!

1.) Biological Sex: M F Other

2.) Are you a native of the United States? Y N
(if no, please write in place of origin: )

3.) How much do you feel your biological effects your every day activities?
[ ] Very Much
[ ] Sort of
[ ] Not At All

4.) Do you spend more time with:
[ ] Men
[ ] Women
[ ] Equal Number of Both

5.) In one word, describe how you would feel having a doctor of the opposite sex for a physical:

6.) Have you ever noticed any kind of gender bias in American society as a whole?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

7.) If yes, in favor of which?

8.) Do you feel the media (TV, Music, News Movies, Politics, etc...) accurately depicts your sex?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

9.) How much do you feel the gender cultures (male/female) are different?
[ ] Very Much
[ ] Sort of
[ ] Not At All

10.) In one sentence (if you can) explain why:

11.) In your opinion does the male sex "understand" and "respect" themselves as a culture?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

12.) In your opinion does the female sex "understand" and "respect" themselves as a culture?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

13.) Have you ever felt that your sex has been stereotyped, insulted or otherwise misrepresented to your face?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

14. ) (If you're so inclined) How?

15.) Any other comments you feel would be helpful?
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