Back to work. In a way, I'm glad because Jack wore me out this weekend going to bed late, waking up early, not napping till late, running away from me and throwing random fits. But I did have a good time with Sabrina on Friday and
flaming_orchid on Saturday! It's been a long time since I could spend so much time with Amy and I really enjoyed being able to talk about all the emotional stuff I'm dealing with! She also helped me think clearly enough to prepare for Jack's birthday party. Thank goodness I had help because it was aggravating enough trying to decide which theme to go with while trying to keep an eye on Jack (who refused to sit in the car because OF COURSE he pooped as soon as we got in the store) - it was nice having someone there to keep me sane.
In between misbehaving, Jack was pretty adorable. He has started quoting Monsters, Inc. I couldn't figure it out at first - he kept repeating the same phrase while pointing. He did this a billion times before I realized he was saying "Leave the puce!" which is what Mike instructs Sully to do when filing paperwork. I have NO idea why he singled that line out to repeat over and over. He also likes "she's seen too much!" and he has been copying Boo's yawn (he actually unlatched while nursing last night to fake-yawn with his hand stretching up).
Yesterday Jack did much better and we even got to do some grocery shopping. Jack was content to ignore me for most of the day so I got to start reading the sequel to Twilight called New Moon. I read 500 pages yesterday!! I finished the book on my way to work this morning and started reading the third in the series while my slow-ass computer was booting up. I am going to cry when I finish this one. I am madly in love with this damned vampire story (anyone who liked Buffy should totally read this series!). Luckily the fourth book comes out in a month but seriously, what will I do after that?? I guess there is also the new George RR Martin book to read in September and the 6th Garth Nix "Keys to the Kingdom" book is coming out soon, too. I have a love/hate relationship with book series. It's just so much harder when they end.
Jack will be 2 in a week! Oh my goodness, I just can't believe it. How in the world did the last 2 years fly by like that? It makes my heart ache that he is growing up so quickly. I want to snuggle up and see his eyes squint at me as he laughs in my face and never let him go.
Alright, I'm getting much too mushy this morning. Lack of sleep will do that to ya (stupid me read New Moon while Jack napped yesterday instead of laying down with him). I'll sign off before I turn into a complete sap.