It's oh so quiet.....

Sep 26, 2013 09:16

In an effort to be more productive in my life, I have turned down the volume on Facebook. I love FB, unapologetically. It's problematic, but has been a great resource for me, professionally and personally, especially with all the moving. However, because I've cultivated such fascinating people, it can take me one hour in a sitting to get through my feed. I'm not even kidding. I even had most people on 'most updates' - not even on all!

So, I've put everyone on 'only important'. Some of you are friends over there, so if I'm not as interactive, it's not personal. It's just me needing to create some more space. Making that shift meant that I read my feed this morning in 3 minutes. I know I'll miss cool links and great moments in my friends' lives, but I need to quiet the noise for a bit and get through a chunk of writing and reviewing and whatnot. If there's something you want me to see, please tag me.

friendships, work

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