
Sep 20, 2009 00:02

  • 07:43 Ugh need more sleep. Off to the track! #
  • 08:00 Bad traffic, you suck. Go away now. #
  • 08:44 Day 2 at the track begins! #
  • 09:30 I see Liddel across the way. Much cuter in real life. #
  • 09:42 - Joe getting strapped in. #
  • 10:07 I should have brought a camp chair. I wonder if the team has one I can steal. Also they have been in the pit for a while, I hope nothing ... #
  • 10:18 - Back on the track. YAY! #
  • 11:01 People watching. One of the best things to do at the track! #
  • 11:25 It's been a very educational weekend. Which makes watching the race better, cuz I know things. #
  • 12:41 It's official they all think I am a Joe freak. I got his autograph...again. At least it was during the autograph session. #
  • 12:59 Sitting on the back of the little black golf cart in the freakin heat... observing #
  • 13:05 Just got a tour of the DR rig from Donna (whom I have dubbed team mom). I was very very tempted to take a picture of Patricks locker Hahaha. #
  • 13:29 Ok slightly embarrring. Joe's wife is hanging out next to me with their girls. And me in my Joe gear. #
  • 13:47 Joe just gave me and his daughter a lesson in Metorology. I asked him how he even knows that, and it's because he is a self proclaimed geek #
  • 13:57 Joe's youngest girl is SO adorable. We had a coversation about dolls and animals. #
  • 14:12 - waiting for the race to start... #
  • 14:29 There is a huge area of grass around me but these annoying people decided to sit RIGHT next to me! #
  • 15:00 - Random side note. Joe drew on Paddy's face. Dork. #
  • 15:10 PITTING! #
  • 15:57 I so just said we need a yellow and well look at that. #
  • 17:08 Why does charles always have to spin out BY WHERE I AM SITTING? I don't think the people around me like the words I have when it happens! #
  • 17:15 AAAND WERE DONE. The crew will be fun after this. Do I have to watch the rest? #
  • 17:23 My second favorite team didn't even finish. Poor Stevenson racing. *sigh* #
  • 17:34 - Front passenger side. #
  • 21:21 At a crazy bon fire or well it will be when THEY GET THE FIRE GOING #
  • 21:44 - Fire. But we are leaving before the idiots catch the trees on fire #
  • 22:42 Finally out of the bon fire road. Cops @ the end turning people away. We told them they should prob go down there before someone DIES. #
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