
Sep 19, 2009 00:03

  • 08:46 - Made it to the track. Fun times adventure getting here! #
  • 10:11 Oh hey found DR's pit. I could stand right next to it. Hahaha #
  • 10:28 - Pit lane. #
  • 11:33 Just talked to Ray Ray for a bit. Learned a lot about the car. They go through A LOT of gas/tires which=money! #
  • 12:09 Getting my exercise walking around in the heat. #
  • 12:48 I SEE JOE! *fangirls* #
  • 13:00 HE SHOOK MY HAND! i am such a girl Hahaha. Must talk to him more #
  • 13:13 Ray Ray is obsessing about his facebook fan page. He wants to see it. It's hilarious. He demanded I bring my laptop tomorrow. #
  • 13:28 I am just chillin in the Denspey Racing pit/garage. Ray Ray says I am one of the team now. #
  • 13:34 I am now taking random pics of RayRay for his fan page. #
  • 13:40 - JOE! Getting into the car. #
  • 13:44 - DR pit! #
  • 15:24 Getting lessons on the DP cars. #
  • 15:36 Whenever Joe is around I can't get up the courage to ask for a pic Hahaha #
  • 16:32 Joe qualified 2nd. Lost poll by 7/1000 of a second. *sigh* #
  • 16:55 I have Joe sweat on my arm. I AM NEVER GOING TO SHOWER AGAIN! #
  • 17:12 So that ends my day at the track. I have to go to a BBQ if I want dinner. #
  • 18:05 - Utah is pretty too! #
  • 21:52 Ok at a friends house. The R watching a movie but I'm DEAD tired from hanging out at the track. the DR team is exhausting to keep up with #
  • 21:53 But seriously they are the best team EVER. And according to RayRay, I am one of them now in my Paddy Edition Mazda hat hahaha #
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