Home again

Jul 20, 2008 19:12

I took S. to see Dark Knight today. Let me join the chorus of voices saying: wow, what an amazing movie. And yes, dark and twisted. I guess they kept enough stuff implied off-screen to earn the PG-13, but I would take the -13 part of that fairly seriously. Of course, I suppose today's youth are inured to it, but...

However the best part of the movie was the call I got in the middle of the movie (yes, my phone was on vibrate, and yes, I ran out of the auditorium to take the call): the pet hospital called and said Phoenix looked great and was eager and ready to go home! So I dropped S. off, ran a couple errands (needed new vacuum bags so I could vacuum up the bedroom, because Phoenix has mediumish long hair and tracks litter all over the place and I wanted to keep the upstairs clean because I plan to confine him away from the stairs until he reacquaints himself with maneuvering with the E-collar on; and to that end, also picked up a baby/pet gate) and returned home with kitty ~30 minutes ago. He's resting in the spare room, and I'm typing on the laptop next to him.

I'm so very happy to have him home, and he is equally happy to be back, judging by the deep purring, tail thumping, and nuzzling going on (although I have to help out with the latter by putting my hand where he can get to it). Still doesn't seem hungry yet, even for baby food, but has had a good drink of water, so I'm not too worried.

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

phoenix, movies, cats

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