Nov 09, 2006 11:01
I'm not a regular Jeopardy viewer, but I did happen to watch last night. Was there some sort of prompting/scripting going on? Because the contestants seemed to pause unnaturally long in between the previous answer/question and selecting the next item. In Double Jeopardy I think it was, there were two full categories untouched when they ran out of time. Maybe they were unaccustomed to the format (Nancy Grace answered a couple times before being acknowledged, and once or twice when she hadn't even buzzed in first).
Funniest line that got no response: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy fashion maven Carson Kressley started off with a few wrong answers and had a negative score, and when he finally made it into positive territory, Alex said "And you're finally out of the hole" and nobody noticed the double entendre (that, or everyone is more mature than me, which is a distinct possibility).
nancy grace