careful kiddies, it's a big one:P

Jul 24, 2005 18:32

Ever have one of those days where you jsut feel really taken for granted? Taday's one for me- besides Bitchy McBitch still kinda bugging me, I don't know what's up with Jules, and i'm finding my limit with Rob.... Jules and her friend went out last night and came home really drunk (i'm glad i hadn't got to bed when i'd planned to, coz there's no way i would've slept then), which is fine, but they left all their dishes and stuff out, and then this morning she was still really short with me...although now that i think of it she's probably hungover:P But she put a password on her computer. Ok fine, if you don't want me using it as much (although you said i could, at the beginning of the summer, when you knew i wouldn't have one), talk to me about it at least before you do that:p blah. And the happy little housewife isn't so happy anymore, since i'm feeling like i'm the only one doing the dishes or clearing out the recycleables, or any of that. fuck, i even did her laundry the other day when she left it in the washer (remember how she jsut tossed my wet stuff on top of my dry stuff in teh same situation?).

And Rob- as much as i love and adore my big brother, he's really not impressing me these last couple days. I have more patience with him than practically anyone, but he forgot me last night, and then this morning when he was talking to Mom and she said he could come and clean the cat boxes and help her, since i was supposed to and it's his fault i couldn't, he said he'd rather come all the way back in town and get me and take me out to her place:P Sure fine, i can deal with that, but when it gets to be 5pm and i still haven't heard from him and i can't do anything til i do, i get a little frustrated.... so i called and left a message on his phone, and then came over to the uni to return a library book and use the computer (since i can't at home)... jsut grrr.

But since i don't really want to be in this mood and i promised the happy post, here we are:D (you're right boondockhottie, it's much better to focus on good stuff:))

Have i raved yet about Joyriders? I love it so much:D Not only do i get my regular horse fix, but it's such a just happy place to be:) Between the riders, and the other volunteers and the coaches, and the horses, it never fails to make me feel fantastic (ok, or very rarely fails):) We do introductory programs in the summer, and we have 2 amazing kids on Thursday nights:D (i haven't been to a Tuesday night one yet, but i'm sure those kids are great too;P) One of them i kinda know through dance and my job last year (you see a lot of kids at an ice cream shop;)) and she's such a sweetheart:) And the other one has the best smile and a really infectious laugh:) I dunno, people wonder how i could be doing this for so long (i've been volunteering for 7.5 years) but really it's quite selfish;P It jsut makes me feel ... slendiferous, to quote Tigger (and for lack of a better word;)):D

And the work at the riding camp Friday morning went well too:) Everyone, including the horses was really hot and tired after the long week, but no major mishaps, and even the spook that could've been big turned out fine (a tractor went by in the field right next to us, but i know that horse well and had my hand on a rein, so he just danced in a little circle around me, and his rider just shrugged it off):) And even though i hadn't been there all week, even the little kids listened well to me; i guess it helps that i've done it before for an entire summer and so did actually know what i was doing;P And a couple of the older kids had been there 2 summers ago when i worked there, and it was neat to see how much they're progressed in the 2 years (esp. since their very first camp was when i worked there):) And one of them i really like; she's such a sweetheart and a really good rider although she gets a little scared sometimes (which i can defineitly relate to:P), and her mom's finally letting her get full-out lessons in the fall:) But yeah, it went so well, K (the owner/operator/instructor) wants me to come and help again when they have a few more little kids later in the sumemr, depending on my job situation:)

Speaking of, while i may still be job hunting this summer, i've got a good line on one for next sumemr:P A local politician who rides at K's stable and has been really helpful and interested in JRs, is really keen on starting up a (summer) program for inner-city/troubled youth, and as a psych student (esp. interested in sport psych) with a whole lot of horse experience (and with people who've never ridden or even seen a real horse up close, or have some mental problems, etc), i'm an excellent candidate for coordinator or even just "councellor":D And he (the politician) stopped by the house Thursday night just after K and i had been talking about how well-suited i'd be, and K told him all about how i'd basically be perfect for it:D So whee! Depending on how things pan out school-wise, if i'm not in Australia next summer, i'll more than likely be doing that:D Yay!

It's funny, i've been sure i wanted to do sports psych (dream job= with an NHL team:) What? i'm Cdn, remember?:P) but lately i've been thinking more and more about having my own youth ranch or something like this inner-city kids' program.... Part of that i know is coz i'm coming to the end of my undergrad degree and i'm kinda going "Eeep! What if i don't get into grad school, what if i suck horribly!?" etc, and i just wanna run away and do something much less scary:P But a lot of it's also that i'm realizing just how much i adore working with JRs, and how important i think animals are in my life and for other people, and how much working with young adults, esp. troubled or less-fortunate (in wahtever ways) ones, appeals to me.... (yes, i am a masochist/glutton for punishment, why do you ask?;P) I dunno, i gues i'll jsut keep my options open and my eyes peeled for opportunities:)

Oh, and yet another good thing- the massive ugly bruises i got during Pride week are starting to heal up and go away:P it was funny, i put my bare forearm on my bare knee the other day, and went "oh, there's 4 of them":P And i do bruise really easily, but one of my friends was honestly concerned and asked who was abusing me:P But yay, they're starting to disappear:)

And i got an 82 in that last class:) So actually as long as i get an advisor and a project started, my prospects look pretty good for acceptance into honours (depending on how they count the three fails):)

hmmm, what else? I may have a bitch of a freind on one side, but on the other, i've made 2 new lj ones (one even through a discussion of bitchy friends):D *waves hi to bellaluna28 and tea_box* And my ex-best friend is no longer so ex:) She and i started talking again (at her instigation no less; my msn name made reference to really wanting to talk to a certain 2 other friends, and she messaged and asked what was wrong and if she could help, and it went from there, for hours):) There are still some definite differences, and we won't ever be as close, but i'm ok with that, and i just like that we're talking and friendly again:) Plus, i got to talk to my actual best friend (who's in BC; literally the other side of the country) for a few minutes:) She's got a new bf and has been busy with him and life in general, and there's a 4 hour time difference, so we haven't had much contact lately, but we did get a few minutes, and she'll be home again at the end of the month for a few weeks so yay:D We're so close and all, we can not talk for long periods of time and just pick up where we left off:) unless we've had a fight:P But now that i think of it, i don't think we've ever had a serious fight... tiffs yes, but nothing big or lasting any length of time:) Aww jeez- Trishy, i love and miss you:)

I finished the 6th HP:) Considering what happened, it feels a little weird to be including this in a happy post, but i do enjoy it:) i'm in such awe of JKR's talent and imagination:) And i can deal with not having a "happy" ending, coz that can't happen til the last one;P Although i still think Harry'll have to die too; i don't think he and Voldemort can live or die without the other... but i may just be morbid (kinda romantically so though, you gotta admit:P Plus, i don't see any other way Harry can reunite with Sirius [see, romantic again:P], but ya never know with magic, right?;P):P And it gave me a good cry, better than over Closer;P i think the 5th one's my favorite though:)

oh, and have i told you guys lately how wonderful you are?:) I can always count on y'all to make me grin or think or laugh out loud or have playful, dirty thoughts (*coughsatansmusecough*) or some other such fantabulous thing:) So thanks darlings:D *resounding kisses, big hugs and goofy/sappy grins for all*
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