Tastes of Brie

Jul 29, 2009 00:13

I've gotten into the habit of watching Chinese TV at night with my parents. It's part of my conscious effort to learn more Chinese. I usually just watch what they're watching, but there's actually a show I'm starting to like. My dad calls it "Chinese Power Rangers" because it's all heroes vs. villains with cheesy fight scenes and random exploding magical powers, not to mention historically inaccurate costumes and cheap wigs. They usually have it on just 'cause there's nothing else to watch at the time, and we sit around and make fun of it. It's so cheesy and cliche. Tonight there was this really over the top romantic scene with googley eyes and CG flower petals. At first I thought it was a rather stupid show, but it's one of those kind of shows with like a million characters and half a million subplot lines, so I guess I should have know there would be one I'm going to latch on to.

The last scene in tonight's episode was this girl, who was so obviously a baddie (from the way she was dressed and the way her make-up was done) bringing this obviously not baddie guy some information and food, and she teases him, telling him it's not poisoned. I don't follow the show regularly, so my parents confirmed how she was bad, but now they're not sure whose side she's on 'cause she started helping/protecting this guy who's good 'cause she likes him, but he likes someone else, and of course, I'm grinning ear to ear 'cause that's what I expected and hoped was the case 'cause I'm a dork, and that is my brand of cheesy. It's so Silverbolt/Black Arachnia (Beast Wars) or Marius/Eponine (Les Miserables). Gah, I love it. *socheesy*


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