Draco Malfoy is still up to something

Jul 18, 2009 23:34

Saw the movie for a second time today with my brother, uncle, and cousin. I haven't had a chance to write my full on potentially epic/pathetically fangirly/overwhelmingly geeky (Not sure which it will fall under yet. Could be all three!) review, but I wanted to post some additional thoughts 'cause it was a slightly different experience. It was much more laid back, which was actually quite nice. I got to watch it more as a movie than as an adaptation, and I got a slightly different perspective seeing it with different people.

- Alan Rickman has AMAZING expressions. I'm so glad he's Snape.
- Micheal Gambon's Dumbledore, though still not entirely how I imagined, is much more agreeable in this film.
- I got emotional during more scenes this time around, since I wasn't so busy scrutinizing the film.
- I came to the realization that the new scene works really well. Why? Now Molly has more of a reason to be pissed at Bellatrix!

My brother, who doesn't read the books, said some things about the movie that made me really happy:

1. When Tonks and Lupin were on screen together, he turned to me and asked if that was Remus's wife. Oh the happiness my shipper self felt! I was sure no one who hasn't read the books would get it.
2. He sees why I like Luna. He thinks she's hilariously random.
3. He says that he thinks Snape had his reasons for doing what he did. He doesn't believe he's evil.
4. He's glad to see that Draco had a bigger part in the film, and that there's at least a little good in him.
5. Apparently Lupin is his favorite character too. What?! I just found out. We hardly ever agree on these things.

So yeah ... I was apparently presumptuous when I said I'm done with Harry Potter because it's obviously not true. Maybe I'll write a post in the near future with an explanation, but in a nutshell it took me two years to get over the sting of Deathly Hallows, and the Half-Blood Prince film to make me remember what I really loved about the series (not surprising since it was HBP that turned me into a full out Pothead), so y'all are just going to have to suffer through my fangirling once again. Haha.

harry potter movies, harry potter

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