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Comments 947

vintagic August 28 2013, 16:33:06 UTC


waaywardson August 28 2013, 16:54:10 UTC
The top 5:
the top 5 icons made by me or by someone else? :)


vintagic August 28 2013, 17:01:28 UTC
made by you! :)
the top 5 icons you're most proud of :D


waaywardson August 28 2013, 17:02:03 UTC
Ok thanks! Gonna choose 5 and post :D


waaywardson August 28 2013, 17:05:36 UTC
Alicia, this is awesome!

Name: Mauro (better known as 'Mel')
Age/Gender: 17/Male
Country: Italy
Years active: 2-3

Your Colour: Yellow, apparently :)
Your Character: I think I don't have one, but lately I love to icon Elena and/or Katherine from the vampire diaries.
Your Fandom: The Vampire Diaries and 10000 more.
Your Technique: Blocking/Complex
Your Textures: Grunge & Light
Your Font: I'm not really into fonts, sadly ):
Your Weakness: TEXT.

Favourite maker(s): john_scorpy, 12feethigh, partitioning, daynawashere, theotherayn & messdestruction.
... )


vintagic August 28 2013, 20:10:48 UTC
I'm happy you're having fun Mel :)

Your top 5 are gorgeous! Especially 1 (I love the composition, you're really a king of complex icons) and 5, the cropping and the obscure coloring is great!


waaywardson August 28 2013, 20:20:41 UTC
Thank you very much :DDD <3


justmyb0nes August 28 2013, 20:18:51 UTC
cookiestome was such a great iconer! The TSN icons (s)he made were brilliant. messdestruction & blue_emotion are so so so good too!!!

I love the compotision of the last icon you made!


marcasite August 28 2013, 18:20:24 UTC

I have always wanted to do this but am never around!
Name: Michelle
Age/Gender: 35+
Country: USA, Boston specifically
Years active: On LJ, about 10 years but icon making about 2

Your Colour: Purple
Your Character: Rose Tyler
Your Fandom: Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, about a million others
Your Technique: Cropping
Your Textures: Grunge, Purple ones, and Smoky ones
Your Font: Modern 20
Your Weakness: TEXT, Composition

Favourite maker(s): daynawashere, raiindust, john_scorpy, julie_izumi, theotherayn, hauntes, wildpages, likealight ok i have to many!!
... )


justmyb0nes August 28 2013, 20:19:19 UTC
LOVING the light in your last icon you made!


marcasite August 28 2013, 20:21:55 UTC
Thank you so much!!!


rabidrainbow August 28 2013, 20:19:26 UTC
ooh gosh i LOVE that Sansa icon in your top five! And #2 is amazing, that's such a nice and unique crop!

And oh man, I feel you on having trouble with text and composition; those have always been my weak points as well.


jsfunction August 28 2013, 18:54:37 UTC
Oh, this is really cool!

Name: Tommi
Age/Gender: 24/male
Country: Finland
Years active: ~2½

Your Colour: PINK, and also yellow, cyan and purple. Basically all the candy colors that I should be ashamed of liking :p
Your Character: Rose Tyler is probably my most iconned character, because she's seriously the BEST to color. Also Simm!Master because he's adorable and nobody else icons him. my current obsessions are Claire and Sayid from Lost, and I feel like soon I'll be spamming my icon comm with Ben Linus icons because I might be alb in love with him too :3 oh and if I count my first year of iconing too, I think I've made the largest amount of icons of Chiana from Farscape.
Your Fandom: Doctor Who is by far the most iconable of my fandoms, and one of my top favorites as well! Also Lost as far as iconing enthusiasm goes, I just haven't had much time/opportunities to icon it yet.
Your Technique: umm, I'm pretty much a three-trick pony. My techniques are 1) super vibrant candy color explosion icons, 2) ( ... )


vintagic August 28 2013, 20:05:17 UTC
The second one of your Top 5 is just wonderful! :3

Also Simm!Master because he's adorable and nobody else icons him
Yess never stop iconing him because he is just kjhfjgfgsdjfas I need to start cioning him again, I miss my Master ;___;

Your top 5 hair porns?


jsfunction August 29 2013, 13:38:10 UTC
I WILL NEVER ABANDON THE MASTER :3 though at some point I'll run out of caps to use. I have this huge folder on my desktop containing all the Simm!Master caps, but there's not that much variety in them... he needs to be brought back to the show. As a regular character preferable. Seriously my dream scenario would be that he'd be the 'companion' (except more like a frenemy/lover) and they'd travel together with the Doctor :> though that might not work in practise since the Master would probably side witht he villain of the week while the Doctor would try to fight them...

Ooh, nice prompt! I never make much hair porn icons cause most of my subjects have these short boring guy haircuts. Now I have a great excuse to pick caps based on shallow reasons like gorgeous hair, so thanks xD


justmyb0nes August 28 2013, 20:13:48 UTC
This OUaT icon of yours IS A MASTERPIECE. It is really really brilliant!!!!


rabidrainbow August 28 2013, 19:00:19 UTC
Name: Sarah
Age/Gender: 21 (almost 22 eep!) and female
Country: USA
Years active: 4ish I think? I've been iconning for a while but it's only been recently that I've started trying to actually be a part of the community.

Your Colour: anything vibrant! I don't think I tend to stick to specific colors, I just try to work with whats in the cap
Your Character: Padme Amidala probably
Your Fandom: Star Wars! mainly because it's the great love of my life and I know those movies (and therefore the caps) inside and out, which makes it easier for me to icon.
Your Technique: cropping and coloring
Your Textures: light textures
Your Font: I usually stick to garamond, though I don't use text all that often
Your Weakness: c o m p l e x i t y (also text and textures but I'm working on that)

Favourite maker(s): like I said, I've only recently started trying to interact with the icon community so I don't know many names yet (and also I'm just bad at paying attention to names in general, oops), but I ( ... )


vintagic August 28 2013, 20:07:34 UTC
c o m p l e x i t y (also text and textures but I'm working on that)

Yes! Keep practising because this is the only way to get better and better!

I know those movies (and therefore the caps) inside and out, which makes it easier for me to icon.

This happens to me with Supernatural, I love this show a lot, and I know almost every single detail of it, so when I'm iconing SPN I'm like really comfortable and relaxed :)

And I'll make you a request then: Star wars scenery icons maybe? :)


rabidrainbow August 28 2013, 20:15:15 UTC
haha, I'm trying! Even though the last round at 20inspirations about killed me, it was definitely a good way to push myself!

And sure! I have to head to work in a bit, but I'll make some afterwards.


vintagic August 28 2013, 20:17:37 UTC
Yes 20inspirations is a great way to push yourself to experiment a little, since I'm there I feel like I've improved a lot, so thats a good thing!

Don't worry, there is no hurry! Have a good day :D


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