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jsfunction August 28 2013, 18:54:37 UTC
Oh, this is really cool!

Name: Tommi
Age/Gender: 24/male
Country: Finland
Years active: ~2½

Your Colour: PINK, and also yellow, cyan and purple. Basically all the candy colors that I should be ashamed of liking :p
Your Character: Rose Tyler is probably my most iconned character, because she's seriously the BEST to color. Also Simm!Master because he's adorable and nobody else icons him. my current obsessions are Claire and Sayid from Lost, and I feel like soon I'll be spamming my icon comm with Ben Linus icons because I might be alb in love with him too :3 oh and if I count my first year of iconing too, I think I've made the largest amount of icons of Chiana from Farscape.
Your Fandom: Doctor Who is by far the most iconable of my fandoms, and one of my top favorites as well! Also Lost as far as iconing enthusiasm goes, I just haven't had much time/opportunities to icon it yet.
Your Technique: umm, I'm pretty much a three-trick pony. My techniques are 1) super vibrant candy color explosion icons, 2) ( ... )


vintagic August 28 2013, 20:05:17 UTC
The second one of your Top 5 is just wonderful! :3

Also Simm!Master because he's adorable and nobody else icons him
Yess never stop iconing him because he is just kjhfjgfgsdjfas I need to start cioning him again, I miss my Master ;___;

Your top 5 hair porns?


jsfunction August 29 2013, 13:38:10 UTC
I WILL NEVER ABANDON THE MASTER :3 though at some point I'll run out of caps to use. I have this huge folder on my desktop containing all the Simm!Master caps, but there's not that much variety in them... he needs to be brought back to the show. As a regular character preferable. Seriously my dream scenario would be that he'd be the 'companion' (except more like a frenemy/lover) and they'd travel together with the Doctor :> though that might not work in practise since the Master would probably side witht he villain of the week while the Doctor would try to fight them...

Ooh, nice prompt! I never make much hair porn icons cause most of my subjects have these short boring guy haircuts. Now I have a great excuse to pick caps based on shallow reasons like gorgeous hair, so thanks xD


justmyb0nes August 28 2013, 20:13:48 UTC
This OUaT icon of yours IS A MASTERPIECE. It is really really brilliant!!!!


jsfunction August 29 2013, 13:38:57 UTC
Oh wow, thank you so much!! :D I had a lot of fun making it!


rabidrainbow August 28 2013, 20:24:59 UTC
ahh I envy your texture use! I hardly ever know what I'm doing with mine and usually end up using the same three or four textures every time, haha.

Also, your Enjolras icon is just wonderful! I really love all the text in the background!

and for the game: Top 5 Doctor Who screencaps!


jsfunction August 29 2013, 17:42:34 UTC
Oh, thank you!! There's nothing to envy though, sometimes using the same textures can bring a sense of cohesion to the set so it's not necessarily a bad thing. I think you did wonderful with the texture challenge at 20insp, you should be happy with your texture use :>

Omg the game prompt will be difficult considering that I mostly use random caps too and try to stay away from the 'classics' that I see used a lot, and almost never use the same cap more than once, so I don't really have favorite caps as in favorite caps to use in icons. However I do have some 'favorite cute master caps' so it will probably come down to iconing those! :D


shameless666 August 28 2013, 20:46:54 UTC
Oh God, you're like my favourite icon maker ever!
Love your colors, expecially your super vibrant candy color explosion icons.
Ben Linus is my favourite character from Lost, so it'll be amazing to see some icons of him from you!
And seriously? That icon of Merlin is awful (like everything from my last post), I was so surprised to see it here

Top-5-Something: Your top 5 LOST characters?


jsfunction August 29 2013, 20:41:59 UTC
Omg that is so fantastic to hear!! :D Thank you! and yay for another Ben Linus fan, he's definitely a complex and compelling character :>
Noooo it's not awful, it's amazing! I love the blocking and the bw/sepia. The whole post was fantastic though and I probably should have praised the icon there instead of here, I've been so bad at commenting lately .__.

And a big yay for that game prompt, I was really hoping someone would ask that cause I'm such a LOST fan rn and all the characters are magnificent and just awesome!


raiindust August 28 2013, 21:42:58 UTC
Rose Tyler is probably my most iconned character, because she's seriously the BEST to color.
I'm up to Dalek in our rewatch and my response was literally to pick out 50 screencaps of Rose + close crop + hair to play with, because I'm so superficial and what I really got from that episode was how gorgeous Billie Piper was. (I did gleam other important lessons but that was the main one!).

Annnnnd what about Top 5 Pitch Perfect moments. Or Top 5 Harry Potter characters. Clearly I am angling for some icons from shared fandoms here.


jsfunction August 29 2013, 21:04:01 UTC
Haha, I definitely learned a similar lesson as well while watching the episode last night. She's pretty much the definition of an ideally iconable character!

Annnnnd what about Top 5 Pitch Perfect moments. Or Top 5 Harry Potter characters.

Oh I'll definitely try one of those! Probably Pitch Perfect cause I was supposed to claim it for something but then sort of forgot to. It has more color potential than HP so I think I'll pick that one, besides I have no idea who my favorite HP characters might be, I just love the whole franchise and the magical world as a whole, I don't know how to even separate parts or characters from it and put them in an order, it's weird! (Though Dumbledore might have been my first pick)


ancientwhispers August 28 2013, 23:14:11 UTC
Tommi, candy colors rock my world. And you pull it off so well. And OH MY GOSH PINK IS MY FAVORITE COLOR. Oh, and you excel at muted coloring. ♥ I like your reason for picking your Top 5 icons! think it's great! I, personally, am in a technique rut....I always want to stick to minimal icons with close crops. *sigh*

How about....your Top 5 Leading Ladies?


jsfunction August 29 2013, 21:16:02 UTC
Eeks, that is so wonderful to hear! Thank you!! (and yay, someone else likes pink :D)
Nothing wrong with sticking to a style that seems to work for you beautifully! You're masterful at minimal icons with close crops :>

Omg, that top5 will be extremely difficult. Most of my fandoms have a male character in the leading role, Buffy is literally the only exception I can think of o.O Is it ok if I instead do just a general 'top 5 female characters' prompt? I love lots of awesome female characters, they're just unfortunately almost never in the main role :(


ancientwhispers August 30 2013, 02:29:41 UTC
You think so? You're too kind. I'm blushing...

Top 5 Female Characters is perfectly fine. ;) Whatever you like.


nottiem August 28 2013, 23:34:01 UTC
oh wow, your icons are like...some kind of vintage posters and i really love them.
the 5 you chose as your top5 ...they're really AMAZING. (the ruby icon is so cool)

aaaand...what about top5....Enjolras screencaps? :D


jsfunction August 29 2013, 21:31:40 UTC
Omg, thank you so much!! You make my icons sound much cooler than they are xD
I'll give Enjolras a go! I must admit I'm in the Les Mis fandom for Javert and Valjean, but I sometimes find myself iconing Enjolras too cause he's just so pretty and iconable :3 I'll try my best with him!


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