
Feb 21, 2013 20:39

There's a lot to talk about, but that will have to wait for another time.  Right now, I feel I owe myself an explanation.  In the past, I have very carefully crafted the documentation of my experience.  I have analyzed and distilled the important observations I want to remember.  I have then set it here as if in stone for reference.  This has resulted in some very solid ideas being recorded that have lasted till this day.  But the cost has been the anxiety it has caused me, even now, to attempt and approach this process.  What to say?  How to say it?  When to say it?  It's not a problem unique to this, it's one that pervades my life.  It's something that plagues almost my every choice and action.  As I've seen, I've strived to overcome this with inner strength and harmony but to not much avail.  So, I'm not sure what to do about it.  But at least it's out there now.  At least it's here now for me to remember.
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