sentient_icons claims! I decided to put them all in one batch, because three separate posts of 25 icons each is kinda spammy. I've only made a few icons here and there but I won't be pimping this post anywhere till all 75 icons have been done. :D;; I also decided to make simple banners, since they are only for 25 icons each...
I like tough girls in short skirts :o
01: anger
02: angst
03: anxiety
04: craziness
05: desire
06: determination
07: energetic
08: euphoric
09: excitement
10: fear
11: frustration
12: happiness
13: indifference
14: jealousy
15: mischief
16: nonsensical
17: optimism
18: pessimism
19: sadness
20: satisfaction
21: seriousness
22: surprise
23: tension
24: thoughtful
25: tranquility
I likes characters with a different eye colour in each eye. And twins. :D
01: anger
02: angst
03: anxiety
04: craziness
05: desire
06: determination
07: energetic
08: euphoric
09: excitement
10: fear
11: frustration
12: happiness
13: indifference
14: jealousy
15: mischief
16: nonsensical
17: optimism
18: pessimism
19: sadness
20: satisfaction
21: seriousness
22: surprise
23: tension
24: thoughtful
25: tranquility
I've always wanted to try out an all-monochrome icons claim. :D I know there's a typo for #10... I'll edit it for the next small update.
01: anger
02: angst
03: anxiety
04: craziness
05: desire
06: determination
07: energetic
08: euphoric
09: excitement
10: fear
11: frustration
12: happiness
13: indifference
14: jealousy
15: mischief
16: nonsensical
17: optimism
18: pessimism
19: sadness
20: satisfaction
21: seriousness
22: surprise
23: tension
24: thoughtful
25: tranquility
Resources[::] Comment and credit. ♥
[::] Textless icons are not bases.
[::] Do not copy styles. D:
[::] No hot-linking.