Doodle dump woooooooo. Mostly Post-It stuff, because
semecucumber and I think that Post-It art is so under/unappreciated. They're good for doodling on when you're working in an office (freeeeee office supplies, no?) and you're bored. I used to doodle on them during my internship last year because they keep doing funny things to the system/server and I'll be bumming around...
Mostly chibi sketches, because they're quick. I don't like spending so much time on a drawing, so that's why you rarely get any proper fanart by me. :P Expect loads of mistakes in the doodles. Oh well, since they're drawn in pen/markers, I can't erase any mistakes away excuses, excuses...
HAHA I've just spoiled everyone for Ghost Hunt on that last one. Oh well, not many people know about it and I like it that way anyway. :D
Evil Lacus!
Ghost Hunt. :'3 I kinda like Naru x Mai but according to the novels... *points to spoiler above*
Weird Meer T_T
Screwed up on Akito.
What TAS is really like. I screwed up at Katakana as well. It's supposed to be ジ not シ D:
The 1 + 1 joke is something I thought of way back in primary school. >_> Along the way, I also learnt that 1 + 1 = 11 and 1+ 1 = 3...
... Do not question my sanity.
Heed their calls for peace. I love my Lacus-Luna big sistahs + Akito/Agito-Talho (
she has hair like Talho, so I'm going to call her that until I think of a name for her) younger siblings family. >:(
Weird-looking Meer-
Mizumi -
Shinnderella Didn't bother about the other eye 8D
Magical Mikuru Meer-
Menstruating Shinn First brought up by Febby and me in 2005, and then Pasta-chan keeps talking about bleeding + shower scene!Shinn which uh, makes us think that he's menstruating.
Shinn!Lulu Was supposed to be Shinn, but the facial expression kinda suits Lulu better, soooo. Also this was when people were all wondering if Lulu's real name is Lelouch vie/vi/V. Britannia. I still like "V." best...
Magical Lacus!-
Cheerleader Kira I think
kira_mali has been waiting for this.
Sporty Luna Her shoulders make her look so manly. T_T
Magical Shinn!-
Evil-ish Meyrin-
Simca She looks too young. ;o;
Wedding dress!Akito Who doesn't love Akito?
Genesis Simca Now she looks too old.
Simca again Her hair. ;o;
Mizumi again I forgot what Umi looks like. Arrrrgh.
KAS It's been a long time since I did one of those KA-babysitting-S doodles...
Evil Lacus I love evil Lacus. :Db
... Don't ask -
Unfinished Kallen FYI she's not naked.
These are all so inconsistent |D well that depends on my mood.