Musings on Wal-Mart

Nov 05, 2004 13:28

Went to Wal-Mart today. Spent most of my time constructing a list of the few things it does NOT carry. Here it is so far:

Porn mags
Jon Stewart's ROXing new book (this pissed me off, given that my library doesn't have it either so now my only two sources of literary enrichment are cut off).
Sort-of-but-not-really porn mags

What it does have however is TRASH. Lots and lots of trash in all colors, shapes and forms. It's kind of encouraging really. Wal-Mart is the trash melting-pot of America in which every brand of trash comes together, puts aside its differences and merges into one colossal, color-blind heap of trash (of which I am proud to belong to). It's amazing. Did I ever say how much I lurve Wal-Mart? Cause I do.

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