Nov 04, 2004 12:41
Bush won. Which would rather go down better with me if it had been more well....unexpected. At least there would be some suspense, a thrill of sorts but now...nothing. I'm not going to say I cried into my pillow all night after hearing the election results because I didn't. It was all so obvious.
What hacks me off about American government, or at least this election is not Bush. I don't hate the man at all. He sounds like a good-natured redneck, stupid and incompetent but not bad. The image he has projected is far more likable than Kerry's. No, what pisses me off are "values-voters" that demographic that makes up 22% of the American population and apparently won Bush the election.
To the very idea of there even being values-voters, much less the fact that they are a fucking majority, I give an almighty: WHAT THE FUCK?!?! We are in the middle of a FUCKING war! Thousands are losing their jobs to outsourcing and a pretty shitty economy. Terrorism is a constant threat. And you guys are voting the way you do because the idea of guys kissing makes you feel "icky"?!?!?! First of all, that's not a value. That is ignorance and bigotry (and yes there is a difference). Second of all, I think I wanna move to Canada.
I actually think Election 2000 was preferable to Election '04 in several respects. 2000 made us distrust our government. Big whoop. 2004, made me (personally) distrust the voters (the fairest election we've had in years and Bush. Still. Wins.). And I'm not saying just Bush-voters cause you guys seem pretty nice, overall (I'll even forgive you for living in Ohio). Just the folks who thought "moral values" were the most important issue in this election cause that's just fucked-up and I don't need to say why. Now, excuse me while I plan my move to New Zealand (I realized while typing this that Canada's on the frosty side).