Carl Jung pretty much a genius. And an update too!

Nov 05, 2006 21:26

This was my result of the quiz I took administered by the fine man, LeeMichaelTetreault:

Introverted Sensing Types
Introverted sensing types are made particularlay dependable by their combination of preferences. they use their favorite process, sensing, in their inner life, and base their ideas on a deep, solid accumulation of stored impressions, which gives them some pretty unshakable ideas. Thus they have a complete, realistic, practical, respect both for the facts and for whatever responsibilities these facts create. Sensing provides the facts. and after the introvert's characteristic pause for reflection, thei judgement accepts the responsibilities.

They can remember and use any number of facts, but want them all accurate. They like everything kept factual, clearly stated, not too complex. Not till you know them very well do you discover that behind their outer calm they are seeing the facs from an intensely individual, often delightfully humorous angle. Their private reaction, the way a thing will strike them, is quite unpredictable.

But what they actually do about it will be sound and sensible because what they do is part of their outer life and so is governed by their best judgement. No type is more thorough, painstaking, systematic, hard-working, or patient with detail and routine. Their perseverance tends to stabilize everything with which they are connected. They do not enter into things impusively, but once in, they are hard to distract, discourage or stop. They do not quit unless experience convinces them they are wrong.

As administrators, their practical judgement and memory for detail make them conservative, consistent, able to cite cases to support their evaluations of people and methods. They will go to any amount of trouble if they "can see the need of it" but hate to be required to do anything that "doesn't makes sense." Usually it is hard for them to see any sense in needs that differ widely from their own. But once they are convinced that a given thing does matter a lot to a given person, the need becomes a fact to be respected and they may go to generous lengths to help satisfy it, while still holding that it doesn't make sense.

Their effectiveness depends on their developing adequate judgment for dealing with the world. If (repeat, if) judgment remains childish, the world iis not dealt with, the person retreats into silent preoccupation with inner reactions to sense-impressions, and not much of value is likely to result.

With feeling as auxilary
Mildly resemble the extraverted feeling types.
Feeling stresses loyalty, consideration and the common welfare.
They are sympathetic, tactful, kind and genuinely concerned, which traits make them very supportive to persons in need of support. They are often attracted to fields where systematic attention to detail is combined with a care for perople, as in the health profession.

So yeah. I would say that is pretty damn accurate.

On the school front (since I haven't given a real update in over two months)

Busy Busy Busy Constantly during the weekdays. So Friday and Saturday evenings (on most cases) I take entirely off.

Classes are going well. Art History sucks. But everything else is a lot of fun.

Finally feel like I am in a groove for my thesis for art. Studio Topics class is awesome. I love our entire group. And I can't wait to be with them and RON (Rizzi) next semester, for an even more amazing time. Ruth, Lili, Rebecca, Maria, and Nomi had a grand ol' party in the studio the other day which was awesome.

Friends are good. A little drama here and there, but on the whole everything is great. I am currently in the process of destroying Katherine, Laura, Emma and Lauren's passports so they can't go abroad. Reconnected (so to speak) with the Girls Upstairs this year (Mali, Emily, Alyssa, Diane and Michelle), feels a lot like freshmen year again. Spend time with Lee, Brian and Scott a lot, initially not seeing Jason as much, but starting to turn that around. Seeing Sherman more than last year, rarely see Gregg. Gotten to know Bonnie better. ZOE has returned to campus, and thats all gravy, haven't seen her much outside of class the past few weeks, but we shall reverse that soon enough. So glad Nikola is back in my life, after thinking he might be gone forever. Me and Sarah Cohen need to commit to out Top Chef Wednesdays.

Yearbook was very stressful to begin with, and has calmed down somewhat (for now), Kate (who gets a shout out here, yeah twin) is done with volleyball so she can help me more.  A 1/6 of the book is complete, and it is finally getting into a groove.

Spazzy is doing just fine.

Going home on Tuesday into Wednesday afternoon to get my clothes, see the fam.

Thanksgiving will be here before I know it, 10 string bean casseroles this year.

Getting these grad apps cranking, getting copies of filled out ones to my teachers so they can write me recommendations.
Applying to Rhode Island School of Design, Yale University School of Art, Massachusetts College of Art, Maine College of Art & San Francisco Art Institute

Registering for Classes tomorrow morning,
here's what I am taking:
Senior Thesis / History of Design in the 20th Century / American Sign Language II / Graphic Design Studio (again)
These all happen to meet only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Meaning no classes 3/5 days! Weird.
Even more weirded out by the fact that this is the last time I will be registering for classes at Clark.

Good movies I've seen lately: Borat, District B-13, History of Violence, The King, Akeelah & the Bee, Can't Stop the Music (holler) & Friends With Money

I need to get into watching Heroes, other than that watching LOST, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, & Ugly Betty - can't wait for 24 to come back.

Halloween was fun, I was really tan (I was dressed up in all tan clothing)

Election day is Tuesday, GO DEVAL!

People suck with e-mail responsiveness

I want a Nintendo Wii real bad.

Difficult Dialogues rocks.

I have to Staple 500 Senior packets at some point this week and stuff them into seniors boxes.

I really want like 10 burritos and 8 gallons of salsa right now.

Broke the strings on my racket the other day, damn you Nikola!

Want to play ping pong.

Rewatching LOST with Kathemmaura  and noticing a lot of things I missed (especially second season), I can't believe after this episode this Wednesday, there are no more until February!

Scott's car died. RIP.

Gave Brian a haircut the other day.

Sleepovers are fun.

Laundry is suprisingly relaxing at times.

Mali needs to learn how to get her own hat.

Justin Taylor's presence is a nice surprise this year.

George Foreman is a revolutionary.

Season ending tennis championships are coming up sooooon. Go Nadal/Blake - Hingis/Clijsters.

and that's all I can think of.

The end.


Go get your senior portrait taken this week!

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