1. This weekend I bought tickets to the U2 concert in Tampa on October 9th. Normally this would be cause for much celebration and joy, but sadly this time around it only makes me feel peevish. That would be because the band's official website screwed up the dates that the tickets went on sale, so by the time I discovered this fact, (with many thanks to
axver for his timely post!) the tickets had already been on sale for a week. So all I could get were nosebleed seats.
However, the more I think about it, the happier I get about the impending concert. I'm going with
floridacarol and I just know we'll have a great time. Besides, even bad seats at a U2 concert is a good thing. :-)
2. Alias, oh Alias. I have such a love/hate relationship with you. First you make me fall madly in love with you during your first two seasons. Then you make me hate you for a good part of Season 3. But then along comes the season 3 finale and not only do you kill off my most hated character, but you give me the hot evilness with Sark and Vaughn that I have been dreaming about for ages. And so for a while all is forgiven.
But then I start watching Season 4, and I'm not ten minutes into the season premiere when the new-fangled credits appear -- significantly lacking my beloved David Anders's name. And I'm not ashamed to say there were tears, people, I was that stricken by the loss. Damn you, show. Damn you.
3. And lastly, a prompt. I realize I'm being horrendously slow in writing these, and I sincerely apologize to everyone. When I set out to do this meme, I had no idea I would end up being such a slacker about them.
R, Regret, Heroes, Adam and Hiro
The first scene takes place during the Season 2 episode "Powerless", when Peter unfreezes time and Adam first sees Hiro. The second takes place later in the episode, after Hiro has both saved the day and done his dastardly deed. I wanted him to say more, but he said his piece and that was it. The story was done.
Primatech Paper
It's been 337 years since he last saw Hiro Nakamura.
Amazing how the little carp hasn't changed at all in that time. Of course, for Hiro it's only been a few weeks. Nonetheless, the illusion of time standing still for both of them remains. As though they might have something else in common besides loving the same woman once.
It's a shame, really. He did genuinely like Hiro for a time. He was even grateful to his strange little friend, feeling a sense of purpose for the first time in his life.
For a long time he thought he hated Hiro. He nursed old grievances and petty hatreds for nearly a century, until finally one day he realized how futile and senseless it was. He put it all out of his mind then - although he never did completely forget. He always knew they would cross paths again, and when he met Kaito, thirty years ago, he knew his patience was about to be rewarded.
He's been waiting a long time for this.
Yamagoto Industries
It's been 337 hours since he put Kensei in that coffin.
At the time it seemed just and proper, a fitting end for the man who killed his father. But he's had plenty of time to think about it since then. Given the chance to do it all over again - a chance he is not going to give himself - he isn't sure if he would do things differently.
Thinking about Adam Monroe's fate makes him feel sick inside, like he's going to throw up. He never imagined he was capable of doing such a thing to another person. He's supposed to be a hero, someone who helps others, not consigns them to an eternity of torment. The realization that he is capable of it frightens him.
What else might he do some day?