You've Got Mail! (AAAARRG!!!) (Backdated)

Sep 19, 2001 08:42

The web cam clicks on to show . . . chaos. Boxes, bubble wrap and Styrofoam pellets are seemingly everywhere. EMako is trying-futilely-to put the packaging materials into the boxes for easy disposal, but is only succeeding in getting them to cling to her arms and shirt.

“How’s it going?”

“Almost done,” comes the response from behind the web cam.

“Great! I feel so out of touch when I can’t get at a computer.”

“What happened to the old one?”

The voice reveals itself to be Aoshi as he sits down in front of the computer and starts fiddling around. EMako gives up on the packaging and comes up behind him, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

“Someone brought sake to that study session a coupla weeks back. Touji-san got drunk and trashed it when it wouldn’t download porn fast enough for him.” She shrugs. “’Sokay, it was a piece of crap anyway.”

Aoshi finishes whatever he’s doing and turns the keyboard over to EMako.

“Hey cool, e-mail!”

She opens it and frowns. “So that’s where she’s gotten off to.” Aoshi cocks an eyebrow. EMako continues. “She’s stuck in the ESU labs, trying to figure out how to do the Lazarus effect, or somesuch.”

“Lazarus effect?”

“Bringing things back to life. She’s trying to ressurect cats.” She fiddles with the mouse some more. “Hmmm, nothing from EM. Or EA. Odd. Wonder what’s up with them?”

“Does it matter?” Aoshi starts nibbling on EMako’s ear.

“Mmmm, not really.” She turns to kiss him properly. . . and catches sight of something. “Aoshi, why is there a light on on the web cam?”

“What light,” he says as he reaches out and turns it off.
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