Five more

Feb 25, 2009 12:11

This batch from Crumrin:

Guns are a tool, and a useful one. I try to make myself familiar with a number of weapons. I've trained in several forms of hand to hand fighting, I can make use of a knife, and I'm good with a rapier. Nothing seems to quite beat a gun for versatility though. I carry at least two M1911 automatic pistols, which take .45 rounds, although I've been thinking of upgrading. The aim isn't too bad for a handgun, and they're heavy enough to use as a club in close combat. If I'm expecting a lot of heavy gunfire I carry four, to save reloading time. I'm comfortable with a wide array of guns, but smaller caliber weapons aren't reliable if you need to shoot open a lock or use it as a bludgeoning instrument, and a longer barreled gun would be more accurate but too bulky to carry.

Blue is my favorite color, don't let the scarf fool you. I keep a blue light in the Sanctum. It's very calming, but blue light also has a recorded psychological effect of keeping you alert when you're tired.
That my eyes are blue is coincidence.

Being tall is a liability. It's good for intimidation, but bad for disguise. I would be glad to be a little shorter.

My laugh is a psychological intimidation tool, a form of meditative focus and release, and a useful trademark that leaves no incriminating evidence to be traced back to me. I know it's theatrical, along with the costume, but that seems to work well on the criminal mind. I also often combine the laugh with voice projection in order to misdirect people, because it's to my advantage when they waste bullets shooting an empty corner.

The mind is the seat of all human power. It can, with training and focus, overcome many of the limitations of the body. There are no limits to its growth, no restrictions if you do not choose to accept them. I may be biased because I am of well above average intelligence, but no level of knowledge is a set matter, and people of any intelligence are capable of continuing to learn and grow and push themselves throughout their lives. Of all tools in detecting and fighting crime, my mind is the most important among them.

Edit: Another five from Reldon.
Silver is the metal for my rings, more or less the color of my guns, a colder darker night-associated sort of metal. I'm not quite sure why you picked this one. I do like silver over gold.

Lead(the element) is dull, heavy, dark, dangerous in large quantities. The first two don't apply to me, but the latter two might. It's what bullets are generally made from, of course, so it's something I deal with in high quantities, at a rapid pace.

What about my hat? It's a little more distinctive than the usual fedora, but I have to warn you both types of haberdashery will go out of style. It's more distinctive in my time, because many men go bare-headed now. And when they don't, what they do wear on their heads is a little cringe-inspiring, but I may be getting old-fashioned.

I love flight. You've probably noticed. The autogiro's been updated from whatever you know but I have one still, and a small airplane that's considered out of date. You're going to be very impressed with the innovations in aviation to come, they just keep building them bigger and faster, especially faster. Airplanes will eventually become so common they lose their glamour for most people, which is a shame, but there's still a lot to be said for the joy of flying, of being in control alone up in the sky.
I don't fly as much as I used to, because it's usually something done out of necessity on the job, but when I was retired for a few years I did a lot of it just for fun. That just may have been the only part of retirement I enjoyed.

I'm no stranger to escape, from both sides. I don't like it when criminals escape me, but it happens. The tables are always turning and I've made plenty of escapes of my own. I don't mean to sound masochistic but there is something thrilling about the challenge of it, the necessity of focusing on a puzzle when finding a way out of it is the key to your own survival. I'll admit I like the adrenaline. There are times I can't get out without injury, and then I pay for it later, but still. I'm not pleased when people escape me, but it's inevitable and I'm used to it, and as long as I catch them in the end it's all part of another day's work.


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