Blogs to follow?

Nov 10, 2009 01:55

I haven't post much on my journal lately and that is not cool.  Despite the lack of posts lately over here, I've been more active in checking communities, blogs, and a bunch of social networking sites.  I also haven't been active in msn until yesterday in which I chatted with five people at the same time.  College is getting more tense with all the tests soon to pile up and courses to pick for the next semester (I hate that period because so far I haven't gotten good expectations with the plans of a "perfect" schedule).  Anyways, this post won't be about my lame-ass university.  :D

Does anyone follow blogs (not livejournals and communities)?  If so, which ones do you follow?  Are they cool and interesting?

I happen to follow a set of active, semi-active, and non-active blogs for a long amount of reasons that will be to hard to describe and explain.

Here's some of them  (edit: It's not in particular order and I noticed that most of them are from Blogger, lol!):

Beauty and the Blog (Blogger) (Active)  It's a pretty cool blog about make-up and everything related to it from several spokeswomen, editors, and contributors that  work for Sephora.  You can say that it's Sephora's official Blogger blog.  You can get everything from reviews, make-up tips, business travel, a scope of the company that is Sephora, video tutorials, recommendations, and etc.  It's definitely worth checking out!

Cake Wrecks  (Blogger) (Active)  The title and message is pretty obvious:  "When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong."  With humor and terrible "professional" cakes, this site is great for laughs and giggles.  It's perfect to check during a coffee break or lunchtime at work or school.  :)

Beauty is a Thing of the Past  (Blogger) (Active)  If you like vintage and retro styles, make-up, hairstyles, and clothes; then this blog is perfect!  No more to say. (Women and girls only)

Siamese Night   (Blogger) (Semi-active)  This blog is from a group of Chileans that post CD's worth to checking out.  I stumbled upon this blog when checking for Bauhaus cover arts and they had the one for Crackle, and even posted the link to download months ago.  The good thing about this place is that it coincides with several of my music tastes although it has many CD's from artists I have yet to know of.  The bad thing about it is that when they post, it usually has a link to download the CD, but the link expires in 24 hours.  Anyways, it's worth to check and browse around.  The language doesn't matter as well because despite that they post in Spanish, the CD's are from artists all over the world.

jrocknyc  (Blogger) (Active)  If you've ever heard of j-rock, you obviously have or had heard of jrocknyc.  This blog is from a a guy named Go, who talks about a bit of everything such as technology, music, movies, bits of life, news, Japan, books, etc.  He used to have his own site back in the day (before 2005 or 2006?) but he changed to Blogger for the fact that it's free and let's admit it, website hosting and mantainance can be a bitch at times.  Thing is, if you like MUCC, D'espairs Ray, Oshare-kei, and The Gazette; don't bother checking this place (especially MUCC fans).  Unfortunately I found out about his site when he moved to Blogger since apparently his previous posts from early 2000 till 2005? were his best ones according to people who have followed his blog for years.  :\  Anyways, he posts a few "flashback posts" once in a while and his current format is pretty great.  Warning:  you don't have to agree if he says that x or y album, movie, band, whatever suck; but don't make a fuss about it either.

La Caribeña
  (Blogger)  (Semi-active)  This blog is in Spanish, but  it's hilarious! XD  This is probably the first Puerto Rican blog that I've encountered back in 2006, when the owner of the blog (some chick from Puerto Rico) starting writing parodies about anthologies and Puerto Rican history.  The blog content in general is about pop culture, random things, comedy, and a bit of Puerto Rican history (in a hilarious way).  The author seriously deserves some props for being original and awesome!  I wish she would write more often.  :(

Z's Reports on Various Visual Vermin  (Blogger) (Not active)  This visual-kei parody blog is done by a Belgian batsu member called Zeke, or Z.  It started blooming out perfectly until this kid suddenly stopped the project and no one has heard from him since.  But it's worth checking out if you're up for some lolz.

Scrangie  (Blogger) (Active)  This is a blog about nail polish.  Yes, nail polish.  I like looking at the different brands and colors in order to help me decide which nail polish and color should I get so that I don't purchase a shitty one. ;)

Demonbaby  (website) (Not active)  This blog is probably one of the weirdest that I've stumbled upon; however, it's really interesting.  This blog is the adventures of an American man checking out oddities and sharing experiences from different countries such as Japan, Germany, and even where he lives.  It sucks that he left the blog in hiatus due to comment spams.

  (Art Cube member M's blog) (Active)  Pshhht, want to know a secret?  I've never listened to Art Cube -le gasp- but I often check this guy's blog.  Despite not knowing a thing or two of Japanese, the pictures of his blog make up for all the language barrier troubles. :)  Why?  Because it's obvious that if M is not busy with his band pals thinking of new Art Cube songs, he spends most of his time sitting in front of his computer screen, hanging out at 2chan.  Yes, 2chan!  He picks the most random pictures ever, obvious from 2 and 4chan-ers and copy paste them everywhere for the lolz..  Really M, you're such a 2chan-er!!!  XD  If he's not trolling around in 2chan, he's devil horning everything in his way and post the picture in the blog because he is hardcore.  At least he doesn't do what 99% of Japanese do:  post blog entries about food.  All in all, this guy is hilarious and cool.

The Lair  (Blogger) (Semi-active)  This is Voltaire's official Blogger blog.  It has on ok start but he hasn't updated it much, maybe it has something to do with traveling to perform in various places.  But the reason that I follow his blog is that I'm pretty biased with everything that Voltaire does.  :S

Arroz con Pinga
  (Blogger) (Active)  If you don't like vulgarity, I recommend you not to read this blog at all!  Even the title is vulgar!  It means Rice with Penis.  Heck, I don't like vulgarity but his blog is pretty interesting despite the occasional peeve moments.  This is also one of the few blogs that I follow from people that are from Puerto Rico  (Puerto Ricans living in the US don't count).  The author, Nerdote, writes about interesting anecdotes of your everyday life and how it is without bluffing content to make it pretty.  It's worth reading it if you can stomach Puerto Rican slang, occasional vulgar content, and weird pictures.  Btw, the blog is in Spanish.  His blogroll is pretty tight as well, worth checking out (all in Spanish).

Things we Forget  (Blogger) (Active)  This blog is probably one of the most positive ones I've checked out.  It's from a guy who lives in Singapore who draws post-it notes with a positive message and leaves them in a strategic place as a reminder for people.  He also posts the notes in Facebook.

  (Ameblo) (Active)  As you can see, this is the band MUCC's official blog.  A random, hilarious, and interesting blog full of random anecdotes from the band members of MUCC.  The blogwhore is Yukke (the bassist) but everyone writes too and usually have pictures and weird, random stuff about each other.  Speaking of MUCC, I haven't listened to them in a while.  D:

Rock Japan Elec-tric  (Blogger) (Active)  This blog is based on the adventures from a fellow Californian who went to Japan and started out as a JET volunteer and later became the bassist of the band Chemical Pictures.  I recommend everyone who likes Japan to read his blog so that they can get a glimpse on how the land of the rising sun is instead of clouding your thought based on anime, music, and pop-culture.  It's a worth read all the way!  Oh, and he's a cool, smart guy too.  PS:  check his band out since it's one of the few visual-kei bands worth checking out nowadays.

JRock ~Utilidades~ 
(Blogger) (Active)  This blog is almost the same as Siamese Night except that it caters for people that are into Japanese music.  "If only I can find one that caters to goth and new wave music?"  The difference is that you CAN download the music from any band, mostly discographies, the language is in Portuguese (Brazil?), and it takes a while to show up completely.  It has a group of (Brazilian? not sure) people who contribute in updating the blog.  Worth checking out if you can't find that rare version of an old song from a band that used to be indies in Japan.

One of Dir en grey's multiple blogs (MySpace one)  (Active... for a limited time. XD)  So here's Dir en grey touring right now in America, right?  Here's Kaoru, the band leader a.k.a leader-sama, who thought "Hey guys, I want to write a blog in English! :D *hardcore pose while everyone goes ':O' * "  Well, the point is that Kaoru, the synonym of awesome; hardcore; and NEEEEERD!!!!1ONE!,  wrote a blog post in MySpace.  In English.  I woke up, decided to skip Trade Law class because it's boring, turn on my laptop to log on, check on MySpace because I wanted to update the music playlist, and stumble upon the title DEG / Blog 1.  I click on it and it was Kaoru who wrote a starter post for people who can read English.  He talked about the tour so far, explained the merchandise problem, and a bunch of other stuff.  As I finished reading, I was like "Wow Kaoru, your English suddenly got waaaay better and cool story bro-  but wait... WTF MAN! YOU DON'T KNOW A THING OF ENGLISH!!!! D:< lol"  It's most likely that he wrote it in Japanese and asked Nora, one of the band's translators, to help him out to write it in English for the fans to understand.  He also put a picture of him probably sound checking in an empty stage.  Good debut, Kaoru, good debut!  I hope you can keep this blog active and not let it die like the others.

Boy, this post sure took a lot of time to be written.

random, beauty, lol, blog, music

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