I suppose

Jun 05, 2010 11:18

I haven't posted in awhile. Not surprising but there it is

I am in school full time, working two jobs. One is a retail job, one is as  private healthcare aide. The retail job is normal retail bullshit, the PCA is interesting but difficult. Either way, to afford tuition, I work as often as I can without compromising my studies.

But they are already compromised as I learned quickly that nursing classes are 10000x harder and 10000x different from anything else I have even studied. Everything is grey, no black or white, you just have to find the RIGHT shade of grey. It is harder than it sounds. Going from being a student scoring never lower than a 95 to...well not a 95...it has been disheartening and strengthening at the same time.

No idea where I am going from here. Hopefully to gainful employment and a stronger back. Definitely to a graduate degree.

Steve is amazingly patient with me. The puppies are as well. I realized the other day after someone asked me why i Stayed in Ohio, and heard my response: boyfriend is here, I made good friends here, school and jobs are here - looks like I made myself a life. Which never happened in any of my other impulsive moves.

I don't LARP anymore, not that I would have time if I wanted. Cancelled WoW, and have no other subscriptions outstanding. I promised my friend K I would roll a goblin with her when Cataclysm comes out, just to see the new areas, and the art I have seen has been pretty spectacular. Otherwise, no games for me except for once a week tabletop (Deadlands, I highly recommend it).

So..that's all. Nothing interesting. I miss my family and friends back home. And thank you to those who manage to stay in touch with me when I am so terrible at returning phone calls.

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