
Mar 22, 2010 20:41

Do I feel better with the new regime? Yes I do. I like being able to bend over and pick things up, have energy at the top of the stairs, I think being able to put on my shoes. When I hurt my back, putting on socks was so painful, I had to have help. Its embarassing. That got better as the muscles relaxed, but it was a bare truth that a good chunk of my back issues are intense weight fluctuations.

I guess part of the process is nursing school.
1) I want to wear cute scrubs. Scrubs do not stretch. Get them big, and they are baggy, too small and they leave nothing to the imagination.

2) I spend all day at school studying or in class. I am not bored, I am thinking and working. So no undue snacking. I don't have the money to eat out regularly. Once a week, at trivia, we eat out. I try and get a salad (despite their salads being served with not the healthiest salad dressing, it is at least chicken and veggies. Which is better than fried anything).
3) learning about how the body works, I am amazed that it does. When you really learn about the millions of constant chemical reactions in your body every minute. I don't use this word lightly - it is a miracle we work as we do. I mean it, it is incredible. We are the single most complex machine you can imagine. And I don't want to waste that.

That sounds corny. But life is not just a given thing. It is amazing we are conceived, are born, and develop. It is amazing that we are not taken over by the myriad of pathogens trying to attack us all the time, that we can digest as we do, that we can breathe as we do. I just...don't want to waste that. It's like being given the ultimate gaming machine and filling it with facebook games, spyware, malware, and never defragging. It is a complete and utter waste.

I used to crave fast food. I went three (now 4) weeks without it, and even the thought brings "ew" to mind.

Steve is getting very good at adapting our dinner menu to help me. And it sucks for him because he is a lover of big juicy steaks and mac n cheese, white bread, and butter. He is midwest to the core.

I was sick for a while, which I think cleaned me out so well that I am past the need for that sort of food. I crave sweetness sometimes (god i have wanted chocolate for days). But, things are ok. I wish the number looked better.

One thing i haaate, that I am having to do, is count calories. I hate this. this was something my father shoved on me at a very young age. I hated it then, I hate it now.

But I came to the realization that one reason I hated it was that if I did it, I was forced to face what I had gorged on that day. I am trying to find a balance between enough calories that my body doesn't start storing everything as fat, and few enough that the workouts are working.

It's interesting.

Also, I am starving right now. to dinner! :P
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