
Nov 03, 2009 19:18

Hey ya'll~ I'm participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this November. I'm actually doing it hand written in a journal so that I can write during school too haha.

Anyways, because it's hand written, it's harder for me to get to the goal because I simply can't write as fast as I can type, but I can hand write more often then I can type so I guess that's a plus and a minus. So, because of this whole NaNoWriMo thing, it kinda is interfering with my ongoing fics write now (The Drumline and Dreams Come True) sorry about that =/ but I just thought you all should know why I'm not really writing as often, it's cuz I'm putting in a lot of my time for this.

I'm not sure if I'll post up the (hopefully) completed story at the end of the months. Just as a heads up though, its a FT Island fic, so not sure how many of you would be interested. I just think Seunghyun is freakin hot so I couldn't resist *drool* Sorry that it's interfering with my updates though, I'll try to be good about updating often, but it's probably going to be harder for me this month.

Plus I just spent like 2 fail hours trying to find sheet music for the song "Existentialism on Prom Night". It was so infuriating....2 hours to find a stinking song for the piano. And I only got it for the piano! I still need to find it for the guitar and drums! Grr whatever!

Anyways, so sorry about this, but everybody seems to be encouraging me to complete the NaNoWriMo, so here I go~ >3
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