
Aug 20, 2010 15:50

10:43 AM 8/20/10 · Of the movies I've enjoyed but know will likely never win any awards is the ever interesting Lake Placid. It was funny as fuck, had decent special effects, and is a non·stop grabber of my attention anytime it's on TV! What most people may not know, unless they walk the shelves of their local movie rental place or catch Syfy's Saturday Night Feature, is there's a Lake Placid 2...

...which wasn't so very good. It was a nice continuation in that how the first ended explains where the big gators came from in this one. Other than some decent casting and a smidgen of funny, it wasn't that great.

That said, what even more people don't know (put money on this) is there's a Lake Placid 3. It will be on Syfy this Saturday at 9pm. Casting looks pretty decent, has the sheriff from Eureka in the role of (wait for it) a sheriff. I know nothing more of it than that.

Might be worth a look.

On a random other note, totally unrelated, Avatar is coming back to the big screen August 27th. Apparently the DVD extras on the rental DVD did so good they decided it might be worth seeing them on the big screen. So, they incoporated them into the movie and now the film is even longer...

...don't drink many fluids before going to see it.

syfy, avatar, movies, television

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