well this is a pretty picture...

May 20, 2009 13:12

...which I say with heavy sarcasm!

xposted to
Beyond·Wrong &

4:43 PM 3/19/09 · As a rule I don't allow anything to interfere with my good mood during the Holiday Season but especially not during December. Which I only mention as I got a doozy of some badness this past December 11th while I was window shopping on University Avenue in Palo Alto. It had to do with my possibly attending SillyCon that year. I hadn't intended on going but she decided to head me off at the pass, as it were, because she had heard some things and wanted to let me know what I might be getting into...

...and I didn't delete them until I finally got around to detailing this post.

The content she sent via 11 text messages:
As I understand it from the owner of SiliCon, because I know, for a fact, that he wont let you work. Now I could be mistaken, but he doesn't seem to like you, at all. So it stands to reason that has also banned you. The only thin in question is whether he banned you from ATTENDING SiliCon, as well as WORKING it.

I said something inbetween here but I sadly didn't save my responses.

Well, he's NOT going to let you WORK it, due to allegations from SEVERAL reliable sources, of innappropriate sexual behavior w/minors. & there were, apparently complaints from either the girls or someone at con & when I wanted to hire you to work w/the company we work for, he said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" & told me you no longer may work SiliCon. So I've just shut up & watched how he reacts when your name comes up, & you are in a shit-load of fucked up w/him.

There was something else between here and the next and I think I missed one of her texts.

decided that you're a creep who preys on minors, because the allegations have been going on since my/head injury in 2002, because I've heard them from numerous sources, multiple time, the favorite story has to do with a woman who told her daughte to look -out for you because you "give the bad kind of hugs".

This is no doubt in reference to the "Hugging Incident" that was highly exaggerrated: Clicky!

Believe I pointed out there was nothing I could do about the rumor mongering that goes on about me between here. No matter what I do it has taken on a life of its own; these are a people that thrive on drama!

What you go for can be misunderstood. The back-rubs, the hugs, that stuff has people talking. You may have chosen an older looking minor to payt attention too & it's catching up to you. I figured you knew, so I never said anything, & let it slide, & never repeated what I heard. Unofrtunately, it becomes your responsibility to stop it when it isn't true, & change behaviors that make what they SEEM true, in self defense, if for no

Missed the followup to that last one between here.

I know you've heard it. You need to change what you're doing, or those rumors WON'T stop. That's what you're responsible for. Your behavior, NOT their rumors

She makes a good point in that I'm not responsible for the rumors. However, my behavior to the contrary...I still get blamed for all of that garbage! Admittedly, I'm a hopeless flirt. Been told I was flirting at times I was positive I wasn't. As a rule I'm very sexual by nature too but there are times I'm being silly that's it's taken for a come on...

Marianne can probably relate to this the most as for a fair stretch I was telling her that when she was going through some bad times the only thing to do was have sex. I didn't necessarily mean with me, or that she should literally go outside and pounce some random person that happened by, but it wasn't taken as I intended.

Nobody's perfect.

I will also admit there was a time I did dip below the 18 (barely legal) marker but that was ages ago. I stopped somewhere around 1995 because I embraced the line of thought that no sex was worth going to jail for. Even before that I never went looking for it. The few positive rumors that circulate about me brought them to me but even with that I didn't go for all the opportunities that presented themselves. 1995 is significant as I've only been going to conventions since 1993.

As mentioned in the only other post I put up today, there are rumors about me that have no real basis in reality or are grossly exaggerrated. The "Hugging Incident", linked above, was the one and only time I was ever booted out of a convention. The nature of that isn't anything I hide from or deny, hence the public post on it, because I wanted the truth of it out. However, it appears there are those that don't want firsthand knowledge and prefer the gossip route.

Interestingly enough, later in the day of December 11th, I got more texts from some randam fuckwit that had gotten ahold of
Lloyd's phone. I was trying to get ahold of him for something or other but someone picked up his phone, saw it was from me, and tore into me something fierce! Relating to that time I was booted from the convention but with a different take. Also they sourced FLARE as where they learned about it.

If you don't know the term, and I suspect it's not as widely used as it seems, FLARE is convention security. I've never had much of a problem with them directly, and am periodically amused I occasionally know more about what's going on at the location than they do, but if what this idiot relayed to me is true then I have a major issue. It's not impossible to believe either because there's a number of those I view as my personal mob that regularly work conventions in this capacity.

1) This numbnut said they were there when I was thrown out of the convention. This I know isn't true because they said I was taken out the front and escorted by several members of FLARE. Actually, as it was closer to the direction I was heading, I went out the side door by the elevators and no one went to make sure I'd gone.

2) Rather than what actually happened, I was told in much more graphic detail than I'm letting on here, this fool told me that I had brutally and maliciously assraped some 12 year old boy.

There's a couple issue with this. In the first, I'm straight and not at all into the male of the species. Not to mention that if this is what actually had gone down...I would not've been thrown out of the convention. They would have called the police to come take me away in cuffs.

Anyway, this is a much shortened version of what this converation entailed. It went on a for about 3 hours intermittantly, which I'm largely gauging by the fact I was watching television at the time, and probably numbered close to a 50 to 75 texts all told. I tried to defend myself as best I could but there was no reasoning with this braintrust. I was clearly lying because they had reliable sources...

...and those sources were FLARE.

Yeah, this piece of pondscum said they got the whole story from FLARE. I'd like to not believe this but as there's some of my mob among them it's at least possible.

Sharing this bit of info with
Lloyd a stretch back, he went back through his message logs to find the entire conversation and he was horrified at what whoever the fuck that was had sent using his phone.

As mentioned previously, here or there, I'm not going to BayCon this year. While that's due to financial reasons I'm additionally hoping my absence for a year might take away from of the furl from this stupid fire. I don't know for sure if any of what I got from my friend holds any reality to what my relationship with SillyCon is but I won't know for sure until the next time I go.

There was a previous issue I supposedly had with the staff there a couple years back, which made friends drag me into their room to hide me, just in case, but the following day I went and checked with staff members and found out it wasn't actually true.

flare, conventions, mob mentality

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