the timing of this is bizarre...

Jun 27, 2007 10:18 might say fateful.

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10:03 PM 6/26/07 · I rented The Grudge 2 last Friday. Over the weekend a wrestler murdered and killed his family and then Monday himself. Tuesday evening I come home and finally watched this movie but the symbolism didn't really hit me until I put the DVD in the player. See, this movie is about a pervasive evil kicked off by a murder/suicide where a man finds his wife was cheating on him and then he chokes and breaks her neck. Shortly after this he drowns his son before killing himself.

That's what set off the curse.

Creepy, no?

What happened in this film was not all that unexpected...though there were subtle variations. As I discussed in my review of The Grudge, this movie is ½ the content of the film these both come from: Ju·On. Unlike Pulse, which was also originally based off a Japanese horror classic called Kairo, this film is also directed by the original director of the Japanese film; Takashi Shimizu. Once again he brings together the elements beautifully and even if it weren't for the similarities to what went down this past weekend I think I'd still have been on edge as I am now.

Ju·On was a long film and the two Americanized versions are the content of that one film. Still not sure why it was necessary to make two films from the original, hope this isn't the case if they continue this by making Americanized versions of Ju·On 2, but I'm still covered in goose bumps and sensitized to every little noise. It's really bad to watch any ghost story when your home is making random odd little noises around you...which naturally mine was.

Stupid house. No cookie for you!

Like the previous two films, the content of this one is not in chronological order...although it looks like this one tried to make an attempt to have a basic thrust that was. There was a central story, involving the sister of the a character from the other film, that seemed to have a beginning and ending in the order of the movie. It's been awhile since I've seen Ju·On and while I remember that things did happen as it did there...I'm a bit hazy if it was in the same order as presented here. They also omitted the "time travel" segment from the original, which was a police officer investigating the house and suddenly seeing how the curse extended to his daughter who was still a baby in his time. If you've seen The Grudge 2, this would be the girl that disappeared in the sweatshirt at the end.

Other than that...most of it was fairly dead on. That and the bit involving the mother of the ghost, who used her as a means of destroying evil spirits while she was still alive and a child, are really the big differences for me.

It is so rare when a remake equals the original. With this series they made two films to cover the content of the one and they're both amazing. At least as good as the original.

Haven't quite gone through the special features as yet, which promises to be good, because I was so freaked I took a break to watch the evening news.

takashi shimizu, murder/suicide, ju-on, the grudge, sarah michelle gellar, sam raimi, benoit, horror

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