Jun 27, 2007 08:02
...and the hills are boobage!
5:00 AM 6/26/07 · So, I've started noticing breasts again. Which isn't to say I hadn't been noticing them all this time but it's just been recently, last month or so, that they seem to really grabbing my attention. While I'm fairly discreet, years of practice, in my fascination with them, I figure should anyone make a big deal of my looking at them I can use the argument they were looking at me first quite effectively.
Just prior to this I was very focused on cleavage.
As a rule I don't judge women by one particular aspect of their physical presence. I take everything in a cumulative quality. However, I have noticed that when I've not had sex with anyone in awhile, and it's been pretty damned long at this point, my attention gets a little more specifically directed. This may be what kicked off my mild obsession with bellybuttons a few years back...
...though you gotta admit they're awfully cute. That and if you pinch them closed and twist up the ends they look like little smilies.
Now it may also be a baseball thing. For some reason this particular sport really seems to bring out the breasts in women. In that they tend to dress in significantly low cut or open tops showing off their breasts much more openly in all their bouncy bubbly glory. I suppose an argument could be made that the fact baseball season is in the hotter Summer months could also be a factor but I refuse to believe this is a means of ventilation.
Also seems relevant to some degree that women who are significantly bustier seem to really thrive to baseball. You might think that I may be on this line of thought for the greater exposure, that in the colder months I do not see as much for more restrictive clothing, but I say thee nay! I notice then too...and am just less than thrilled with the lack of exposed flesh.
It probably doesn't help that I take the train as most folks avoid parking problems by doing the same. The San Francisco Giants have a stadium that's literally a stone's throw from the 4th & King Caltrain station so the fans flood through there in droves. While I'm waiting for mine, on the way home, there's usually about 5 or 6 arriving trains unloading passengers, ½ of which are women and most of which are showing off de boobage like they're hoping aliens in space will pull over and enjoy the show. On the way home there's often women similarily attired, though not as much, on the train with me...and I swear it's a coincidence that I usually sit on the top level; not talking the bullet trains here either where you can't view the lower level.
Though, I'd be lying if I said there weren't numerous benefits to those days I pull down some overtime and have to take a much later train. You know, the ones that run when the baseball games let out.