Nov 26, 2005 13:36
i guess i've figured out what i was supposed to learn over this last year.
no matter how much you love or care for someone, in the end you have to be living for yourself. you have to. it's much easier to try and make someone else happy, at least for me.
i wasn't happy. i'm still not happy, but at least i'm on my way to doing something that will qwell some of the doubts i have regarding what i want. convoluted, yes. true, yes. helpful making me feel not so
useless. yes.
the bad times move so slow and the good so fast. crap. i need to swing a stick. i guess now is the perfect time to concentrate. see what ize wants and then seez what i can getz.
and i just got a duffle bag made of kangaroo. how very odd.