(no subject)

Jul 28, 2006 10:49

Last time I wrote I mentioned we were going to the Grobs house and having a cookout. Well, we never made it the Grob's house that day. I simply couldn't remember where the hell it was. I didn't know what train to take or where to get off so Jon and I hit Bier Bienne again and went back to look everything up online.
One of the things I wanted to do over here was go to the town of Bamberg Germany, north of Munich. I read in a Beer Geeks article in the local paper at school how the breweries in that town produce 'Smoke Beer'. I never made it to Bamberg, but Bier Bienne did carry one of the those beer. The guy at the counter called it a very special beer, but wouldn't say if it was good or not. It turned out to be the oddest, yet most tasty beer I've had in awhile. It tasted like kiabalsa earning it the instant nickname of 'Meat Beer'. Ummm...meat and beer, an unbeatable combo.
The cookout I mentioned did happen. It was alot of meat, glorious meat. Cooked ver an open flame with sticks as grill tools and eating utencils. Glorious. Another highlights was slyly watching a couple have sex under a blanket and trying to provide a sound track for them. Singing 'Lets get it on' and 'Can't get enough of your love babe' loudly enough so they could hear. We were also a little drunk. Later as we were walking away Gino ran up on us and scared the poop out of us. We thought it was the guy finally having enough of us and coming to kick our asses. It was only Gino and we were pissed. I hate being startled.
We made it over to the Grobs yesterday and spent an enjoyable afternoon there. The house looks absolutly great. Its a brand new house in the shell of something as far back as 1460. We swam and went out to the island, had lunch, drank wine. Later job and I hiked up through the vineyards to the little church up on hill. It was absolutly spectacular. We sat up there and talked for along time. Its been really nice having Jon here this week. Not only is he a great friend, but its just been nice having someone I can talk about Maizie to without them rolling their eyes or something. He gets it. It is weird having him around sort of out of context, but we have had fun this week. I can't believe he goes back tomorrow. Times flies.
My host brother Micheal, who was a complete asshole when I was last in Switzerland, seemed the most excited of the three boys to see me. It was weird and I don't know what he is trying to pull.
We're going back out there this afternoon for dinner. I'll probably stay with them on the nights of the 29th and 30th, leaving in the evening of the 31st. I booked my hostels in Spain today. 3 nights in Barcelon and two in Madrid. Part of me wants to go sooner, but I should stay with the Grobs a night or two and I want to anyway. Beside, if they don't want me I can stay with Gino another two nights. I'm not homeless.
Last night there was a brick oven pizza cooking here at Gino's. His father is Sicillian and built a wood fired brick oven in the back yard and made pizzas. Friends and nieghbors came over and it was a delicious time. The pizza was sooooooooooooooooooooo good. I don't often use Os like that. I'm not taking the flavor lightly.
I love and miss you all,
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