Title: A GazettE Carol
Chapter: Oneshot
evilgeniuskojiGenre: Humor, general
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Mild language
Summary: AU. A Christmas Carol told with a twist. One Christmas Eve, Ruki is visited by the three Spirits of Christmas. Chaos and drama ensues.
Christmas tale )
Comments 52
Ruki is such a little bitch. ♥
Uruha held up a hand, and Ruki couldn’t help but noticed that he swayed a little. Even his nose was turning red. “Hey, Ruki. I, uh-” The brown-haired man reached into his pocket and squinted at a piece of paper. “I’m the Ghost of Christmas Present. Nice ta meetcha.”
And Uruha! Ever the drunkard, even as a Christmas Ghost~ I laughed so hard at that point.
Although it's still kind of a sad story... Until the very end, lol. A perfect ending, absolutely perfect ♥
Thank you for a wonderful Christmas story! ^__^
Merry Christmas to you too!
Seriously. -facepalm- Did you even /see/ his backstage thing for RCE? He was all "Uh...playing guitar and being drunk...it's very fun." I died. xD
I'm glad you liked it! ^^ Merry Christmas!
I know! I thought the things about him loving alcohol were a bit too exaggerated till I saw that and I was all "-facepalm- You're not /supposed/ to drink and go onstage...don't tell me that /champagne/ is too /light/ to drink /before/ performing, man!
This was really great. A new way to tell an old story ^^
Uruha did a great job as a Christmas spirit.. drunk and all xDD
He's so much love for being such a lovable drunkard ^^
Merry Christmas!
Yep. I can just imagine him TOO WELL acting drunk as he dragged some poor guy off to his judgement. Yay, drunkard Uru~.
Merry Christmas! (forgive the shameless advertising xD)
Uruha is great for not being afraid to admit that he likes to drink :P He's soo my type of guy :P
(It's ok.. I'm glad that you did)
Thank you! ^^
This was brilliant. It honestly was! I'll admit that I'm not exactly fond of this story, if only because I've seen it so many times, but you brought a very fresh, unique twist to it, while still keeping the whole core of the story familiar and something people could identify with. And I love it.
As much of a bastard as Ruki was, I must say, I loved his lines. I was laughing my ass off. You did a wonderful job with the humorous bits.
And the ending was adorable. Way too hard to point out everything I liked about it, but. This is just too epic. <3 Great work, love.
Come on, you know you like his bastard ways. >D Thank you~.
Aww. I'm glad. :3 <33
anyway, thanks for sharing an awesome story with a lesson to learn ^O^
and Merry Christmas to you too! ^^;;
It's good to hear! ^^ Merry Christmas.
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