Title: A GazettE Carol
Chapter: Oneshot
evilgeniuskojiGenre: Humor, general
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Mild language
Summary: AU. A Christmas Carol told with a twist. One Christmas Eve, Ruki is visited by the three Spirits of Christmas. Chaos and drama ensues.
Christmas tale )
Ruki is such a little bitch. ♥
Uruha held up a hand, and Ruki couldn’t help but noticed that he swayed a little. Even his nose was turning red. “Hey, Ruki. I, uh-” The brown-haired man reached into his pocket and squinted at a piece of paper. “I’m the Ghost of Christmas Present. Nice ta meetcha.”
And Uruha! Ever the drunkard, even as a Christmas Ghost~ I laughed so hard at that point.
Although it's still kind of a sad story... Until the very end, lol. A perfect ending, absolutely perfect ♥
Thank you for a wonderful Christmas story! ^__^
Merry Christmas to you too!
Seriously. -facepalm- Did you even /see/ his backstage thing for RCE? He was all "Uh...playing guitar and being drunk...it's very fun." I died. xD
I'm glad you liked it! ^^ Merry Christmas!
I know! I thought the things about him loving alcohol were a bit too exaggerated till I saw that and I was all "-facepalm- You're not /supposed/ to drink and go onstage...don't tell me that /champagne/ is too /light/ to drink /before/ performing, man!
And then that interview, when the guys were asked how they relax. 'Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Drink, get violent, sleep'.
Don't forget Ruki's diva style baths, man. Tub, hot water, aromatic scents and an open window. -shot-
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