These past few weeks have just been terrible. But I doubt these things just happen right? I got my grades back, I passed...but I tried so unbelievably hard. When I talked to my professor he could tell I was about to cry when he told me that the grade I received was in fact correct. I know its ridiculous, but imagine working so hard on something
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I for one know its like to try and remain in the mask of emotional bliss while bottling in that pressure,but that backfires surely eventually implode like the San Andreas fault,or worse...Mt.Montezuma's revenge...and usually at the wrong time where it makes everything awkward lol.
it's healthier and totally alright to let everything out and vent. however,its up to you how you'd like those feelings(i suggest as constructively as possible!!)channeled.
if the person left you with a lesser off chick then they've made it harder for them with the extra karma. i think the biggest trap people get themselves into, is not appreciating what they have already so they sabotage themselves by trying to look for greener pastures without consideration.
the end up with nothing but the step back to square one.
and MMMaaan! the money thing.yeah everyone and their grandpop i know in my neck of the noods is crying the blues over finance,including me.if anything,i'm gonna start back up the Barter System trend *evil grin*
*does dealings in dark alley*
"hey...hey buddy,i'll trade you my starshaped CD for a bag of condition,high quality and all that! i'll put in two dogs and rooster,too."
P.S. Sorry to hear you're not doing so great, but yeah, what is LJ for if not for venting ;)
So, everyone just writes their own bit without reading the others' stuff? Or is it that when one person ends and posts, the next begins when the previous one ended? Just to be clear on the details (because details are everything *has this manic gleam in the eye* :D)
So yeah, chapter 6 for moi, then, yes?
i've got lots of ideas swirling around in my head,its the putting it down on type in a proper way part thats killing me,lol
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