(no subject)

Jan 28, 2007 16:38

hummm, I havent updated this sence befor thanksgiving apperently. So I think I should do it now. School is crazy, as always, and as it looks right now, Im not going to be as busy, but theres going to be alot more projects... this is what I get for takeing an art class and costume class at the same time. but on the plus side I get to really sleep in on mon, wed and fri. no class till 1 thank you class schedualing gods for that. The Roomates are, eh. not much I can do with it anymore but make myself busy with people I actualy want to be with, and is that such a bad thing? okay maybe it is, when Jennie and I end up at Lowels with Paul and we are running around playing with everything we can,and desided what we would do if we fliped a house... Imagine to Tech majors flipping a house... there would be so much unnessisaryly cool stuff in that house, dear god. When Im not being an expencisve influence on Jennie, Im being an experemental chef with Donna, makeing fun and intresting pizza, that apperently give you bad heart burn if you eat it cold... sorry Donna.

Christmas, sence I havent updated in that amount of time, was profitable, and fun. includeing when my cousin drank all the nasty Jones soda holday pack flavors on a dare. this includes Turkey and Gravey, Pea, Sweet Patao, Dinner Roll, and Ant-acid. yeah I have a crazy family. and my dads family was at the house... and it went well, at lest I think so. We did it our way, and no one complained to our faces.

Other than that Im doing random work calls for my friend Josh who works and lives in Manatowak... hey its money, and its easy work, so Im not complaining... that much.

I guess thats it for now.
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