
Feb 18, 2004 13:30

TO: Senior Partners, Wolfram & Hart
FROM: Damon Talbot, Director of Special Projects, Wolfram and Hart
CC: Lilah Morgan, Gavin Park

RE: Robin Wood

I've been notified by Mr. Wood that he has arrived in Sunnydale. Although he has not made contact with Buffy Summers as yet, this will probably happen within the week.

The information I have fed to him regarding the vampire Spike has been most effective in spurring him to action. As instructed, I was careful not to mention that the vampire has recently allied himself with the Slayer. This omission should prove to have most interesting ramifications.

Keeping in mind Mr. Wood's desire to avenge his mother, I can predict with reasonable certainty that any his reaction to such an alliance would cause him to attack the Slayer and her camp on some level. Whether he takes overt action with a direct physical attack, I cannot be certain. However it plays out, I am confident that at least some of our goals will be achieved.

If the Slayer is killed, an obvious potential obstacle will be eliminated. It is entirely reasonable that her second death might push Willow Rosenberg back into the dark magicks that almost consumed her last year, making her an attractive asset for us here. And the toll taken on Angel should be enough to remove him from the equation yet again. The immediate benefits to Wolfram & Hart would be immeasurable.

At that point, whether or not Mr. Wood succeeds in killing the vampire is irrelevant. However, should he prove successful in that regard, as well, I submit that we might offer him a permanent place here at Wolfram & Hart before we have him eliminated.

I look forward to your feedback on this project.


Damon Talbot
Director, Special Projects
Wolfram & Hart
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