Atomic_Fae - "Sci-fi universe you most like to live in and why"

Sep 30, 2012 22:52

But there's so many to choose from...
Well some would be out from the start.
Blade Runner - nope, it's a...unpleasant and polluted place, would be the nice way to put it.
Star Trek - maybe, though it's a bit too goody two shoes or being shot at all the time by the badguys to show why buckling down in the socialist ideal is the good thing to do.
Star Wars - I don't know as much as a lot of people about this reality, but it seems if you aren't a Jedi then it sucks and if you are, it probably still sucks.  There might well be some lovely places to live...but I guess they don't crop up as then the book film would be a bit boring.
Logan's Run - I'd already be dead
Firefly - boring or being shot at, or both one after the other
Dune - drugged up desert run by freaky ass weirdos (not sure which house I mean the most there)
UFO - year I was born, so it's outdated (shuddup, yes there is a reason I can remember when it was set) and not much different so not very enthralling
Battlestar Galattica - very dramatic, though mass death and for most people eaking out an exsistance in the bowls of an overcrowded and hungry freighter waiting to be blown up
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - is tempting, it has most of the upsides and fewer of the down
Stargate - tempting, though once again it's split between some awesome adventures for some and nothing different for most
SeaQuest DSV - see above
2001 Space Odessy - don't really see enough to judge
Alien(s) etc -
Preditor - ditto
Misfits - this could be interesting, provided I got something power like and it didn't suck
Heroes - ditto
The Prisoner - is this sci-fi, i couldn't make my mind up, but no, not for me
Doctor Who - it's pretty much our reality, apart from for a few people, if i got to have time travel adventures I'd be tempted
Red Dwarf - I'd go stir crazy
Fringe - facinating to watch, not so much fun being inside
Moon Base Alpha - stir crazy thing again
The Tomorrow People - I always thought as a kid this would be fun
Ian M Banks - various, it's a bit too...controlled for my liking.  Controlled or deadly that is.
X-Men - in it's various form could be a fun one, though as Luke's MnM game showed, I'm a disater with super powers...least when I'm Loki
Marvel - this could be a fun one, I'd want to have something 'special' of course but not enough to be a big hitter.  Something fun but didn't make me a big shining target or responsible for saving humanity every 7 days.
Sandman - it's either the same or twisted disturingness...nah
Starship Troopers - nope
Quantum Leap - this has mostly less of the dire panic end of humanity and much smaller scale.  Though very lonely apart from Al, I mean he makes friends for a whole of what....a week at most?
Alphas - close enough to now so it's easy to get but with a fair sprinking of specials out there.  For as much as they tend to make the main cast outcasts something less dramatic could be fun.
Knight Rider - most people are bored, those with the right tech heads though have fun
Hitch-Hikers - theyre...alll...crazy!
Farscape - you dont' really see much of it, and that you do is a fair bit twisted
B5 - It does look like a fun one, but again, mass war against extremely powerful aliens and governments turning against their own people...not so much fun to live in.  though I wouldn't mind being a ranger
Lexx - that show always confused the heck out of me
Lost - actually most of that could be fun, but no, not with everything else it entails
Buffy / Angel - nah, not unless I get powers
Werehouse 13 - though some of this really annoyed me, I did love the idea of the items with a history / a story being powerful and it's interesting

Oh lord there's so many, each time I write one down I think of two more!

Okay, summarise it down.  I think...probably actually hmmm I'd go with ... B5, so long as i get something nifty and get to explore weird planets.
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