Sep 03, 2012 23:18
Do you mean illegal immigrants or 'not of this world'? That would be my first question. I choose to think the later is the more interesting to waffle about.
Outer space /silly voice
Do I believe there is such thing as life on other planets...yes
Simple enough, we make one logical assumption and the answer has to be yes. The logical assumption (or at least I see it as such) is Exsistance is Infinite. Not the Universe is infiniate but Exsistance. The difference being even if we got right to the edge of where there is matter from that big explosion a little while back you could pass beyond into whatever, but you would still exsist, you wouldn't blink out of exsistance.
Therefore if exsistance is infinite any possibility must happen infinite times. The more likely obviously the more dense it happens but it would all happen.
And since our Universe exists then other have to since the probability of it being possible is greater than absolute zero.
And within that universe it is possible to have galaxies, and solar systems, and planets, and life. So while not all of them will have, an infinte number will.
Do I think aliens visit earth?
Considering the scale of things I don't believe it. Nor do I think they would limit visitations to only backwater drunks (okay so that's an exageration but still).
There's also the question somebody asked me once which was 'do you think aliens, if they exsister, could survive in Earth's ecosystem?' to which my answer was 'which one?' 'the life supporting one' 'like i said, which one?'
As far as I recall there are four seperate ecosystems on earth, I don't know the finer details of how seperate exactly but each has an energy cycle which so far as I know is indervidual.
There's the frozen salt lakes at the pole, the brine ones (think they're called cold seeps or dense seeps or something, basically due to seepage...hurr hurr seep. I can't recall if they'd count as two different things) and the most obvious one being the hydrothermal vents. An ecosystem needs a source of energy, in ours it's the sun, in the hydrothermal vents it's chemical. The vents support chemosynthetic (I think it's called, I know I'm on the net but for these 'talk about' posts I think it's cheating to not just waffle on...look it up if you want to check).
Hmm so if we define 'alien' as 'not of our ecosystem' it means we have a load on Earth, which is kinda cool since we're fairly sure these ones don't have ray guns.
So yeah.